Thursday, 4 May 2017

Ahmed Forex Kommerzielle Street Bangalore

Scheich Jaber Al Ahmad Kulturzentrum Das Scheich Jaber Al Ahmad Kulturzentrum präsentiert Kunst und schafft ein Weltklasse-Theaterviertel in einer weitläufigen Parklandschaft. Gemeinsam mit Scheich Abdullah Al Salem Kulturzentrum, wird es bilden Kuwaitrsquos neue nationale kulturelle Bezirk. Der Kulturbezirk umfasst hochmoderne Theater, Konzerthallen, Kinos, Konferenz - und Ausstellungshallen sowie ein Bibliotheksarchiv. Die vier Gebäude werden von geräumigen Eingangshöfen aus erreicht und werden wie Juwelen in einem größeren öffentlichen Park sitzen. Komplexe geometrische Formen, die von der islamischen Architektur inspiriert werden, schaffen die reichlich strukturierte Außenhaut jedes Gebäudes, die dramatische öffentliche Räume bildet, die von dem Zusammenspiel von Licht und Schatten profitieren. Die Besucher werden über klimatisierte Aufzüge und Reisebüros zirkulieren. Luxuriöse, Weltklasse-Gebäude unterhalb der Außenhaut werden Charakter, Drama und ein erhöhtes Gefühl der Erwartung ausstrahlen. Die Wunder werden sich in jedem Gebäude fortsetzen und die Besucher finden Juwelen in Juwelen, wie sie das wunderschön gestaltete Interieur erkunden. Der neue Kulturbezirk zieht die Weltmeisterschaften an und ist eine endlose Quelle des Bürgerstolzes für die Menschen in Kuwait. Die wichtigsten Gebäude im Theaterviertel sind: Theatre Center Music Center Konferenzzentrum Nationalbibliothek für Historische Dokumente Park für Kuwait Das Projekt wird auf Designbasis aufgebaut und SSH wurde von Al Hani Construction und Trading Company bestellt Aktuelle Internet-Betrug-Versuche und einige Adressen für Western Union und Geldgram-Zahlungen STANDARD CHARTERED BANK, BRANCH: STANCHART, POBOX 59, ACCRA - GHANA, SWIFT: SCBL GH AC: 8750102761800 AC NAME: KALU ASO NDUKWE. (Gemeldet am 23. Juni 08) STANDARD CHARTERED BANK, GRACE CHURCH STREET, LONDON EC3V OBX, SWIFT CODE: SCBLGHAC AC NR. 8700203493300, AC NAME: PROPEL LTD. (Diese Quotaccountquot existiert nicht, vielleicht wurde es in einer Betrug Mail hinzugefügt, um die Ghana-Account oben scheinen legitimer zu machen). ABBEY NATIONAL BANK, ABTEI NATIONALES HAUS 301 ST VINCENT STRASSE GLASGOW, BESTE INNOVATION BESCHRÄNKT, KONTO NUMMER: 43051383, SORT CODE: 090666 BIC: ABBYGB2LXXX IBAN: GB25 ABBY 0906 6643 0513 83. (Berichterstattung per Telefon an Abbey erwies sich als schwierig E-Mail an die allgemeine Kundenbetreuung Adresse am 15. April 08. Das war der einzige Vorschlag von der Telefon-Support-Mitarbeiter, die nicht scheinen Interesse an Betrug Berichte). BARCLAYS BANK PLC, 168 FENCHURCH STR LONDON, ECE PHP. KREDIT ZUM FINANZBANK BENIN. SWIFT CODE: FIBBBJBJ. AC NO: 14524139649, BENEFICIARY: ETS MOON EXPORT. (Bericht an verantwortliche Person bei Bank, 26. Sept. 07) Trotzdem wurde am 8. Februar 08 eine weitere Beschwerde eingegangen und am 16. Februar eine BARCLAYS BANK PLC. 168 FENCHERCH (sic) STRASSE, LONDON ECEPHP, SWIFT CODE: BARCGB22, WEITER KREDIT ZU. FINANCIAL BANK Cotonou Benin, SWIFT CODE: FIBBBJBJ AC NO: 13442139564 BENEFICIARY: LEGRENIER. HSBC (HK) 8284 NATHAN STRASSE TSIM SHA TSUI ZWEIG, KOWLOON, HONGKONG. SWIFT: HSBCHKHHHKH BENEFICIARY: HENNEX INVESTMENTS LTD. AC NO: 817131519838. Abbey National Bank, UK, Ac Name: Herr O. Achor, Ac-Nummer: 92601973, Postleitzahl: 09-01-26, Iban: GB04ABBY09012692601973, Swift Code: ABBYGB2LXXX. (Berichterstattung an die Bank 10 März 08, Konto scheinbar vor diesem Datum geschlossen) CHINA ZHESHANG BANK, 288 QINGCHUN RD ZHEJIANG HANGZHOU, Name des Empfängers: HANGZHOU METAL MINERALS MASCHINEN UND CHEMIKALIEN EINFUHR UND EXPORT CO LTD, Konto: 3310010010120100044948, Bank ID: ZJCBCN2N. HSBC BANK, CANDID KHAMANG, ACCOUNT NO: 053-210142-006, NEUES DELHI, INDIEN, PAN NR. ATKPK61050 Suntrust Bank, AC Valerie Adams, Kontonummer: 1000072673071 Routing Nummer: 055002707 Bank Adresse: 41 Audrey Lane Oxon Hill, Maryland 20745. LA CAIXA CAJA DE AHORROS SPANIEN, KONTO NUMMER: ES 34 2100-2738-31-200003 1810, SWIFT CODE : CAIXESBBXXX, BANK ADRESSE: C JUAN RAMON JIMENEZ, 36, 046006 SPANIEN, KONTO BENEFICIARY: LOVE MARK. CITIBANK N. A. BRANCH: 111 WAND STRASSE NEW YORK, NY USA, SWIFT CODE: CITIUS33XXX, BANK CODE: 021000089, Kontoname: WEMANGLA CO. PLC. 54 MARINA ROAD, NY USA 11211, KONTONUMMER: 36129607, REF: FÜR WEITERE KREDIT AN: AC NO 0691112338627. ICICI CU. AC-Nr .: 002805003347, EXOTISCHE EXPORTE, Pan Nr .: AKFPB3289F. NATWEST BANK, 195 Earls Court Road SW5 9AB, IBAN NR. GB90NWBK50420047071192, SWIFT-NUMMER. NWBKGB2L, BRANCH SORT CODE 60-07-32, ACCOUNT NOS 47071192. (Bericht geschickt an Bank 11 Feb. 08) Standard Chartered UK, Swift Code: SCBLGB2L, Postleitzahl: 609104, Konto Name: Access Bank (GMB) Ltd Konto Nummer: 0101251810401, Begünstigter: Eboh T. Emmanuel, Konto Nr. 0010020008030. HDFC BANK, Indien, Konto Name: ROGERS. A.TAYLOR, Kontonummer: 06651530000701. BANK VON CHINA, KONTO NAME: NATION VEREINIGT, KONTONUMMER. 475864801880100254. BANK ADRESSE: BANK VON CHINA GUANGZHOU ZHONG YI CHENG SHI HUA YUAN. SUB - BRANCH NO.117 LINHE STRAßE EAST. GUANGZHOU SWIFT CODE: BKCHCNBJ400. HSBC LONDON, ACC. 57026622, SWIFT CODE: M1DLGB22, SWIFT ADRESSE: RNNSZAJJ BENEFICIARY NAME: MRS. FRANCINA ONUNGWA, ID NUMBER: 8204110218088. (berichtet an verantwortliche Person bei Bank 28 Dez. 07) ICICI BANK, MUMBAI BRANCH, INDIEN, AC NAME RAHIMABI KADAR KHAN AC NOS 001101542784. HSBC BANK (HK), 486, LOCK HART ROAD, CAUSEWAY BAY HONG KONG, SWIFT CODE: HSBCHKHHHKH AC. 809271042838, AC NAME. CREATE LOYAL HOLDINGS LTD. DURCH BESTELLUNG VON: ARRAN FUNDING LIMITED. HSBC HONG KONG, SHOP 110-120 EMPEROR GRUPPENZENTRUM, 288 HENNESY STRASSE, WAN CHAI, HONG KONG, SWIFT CODE: HSBCHKHHHKH, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 640-027652-838, BENEFICIARY: SHEEN SINCERE INVESTMENT LTD. ERSTE KOMMERZIELLE BANK, OFFSHORE BANKING BRANCH, TAIPEI, TAIWAN, R. O.C. SWIFT CODE: FCBKTWTPOBU, ACCOUNT 152 86 0012 98, BENEFICIARY GLÜCKLICHER WINKELHANDEL BESCHRÄNKT. Lloyds TSB, KONTO NAME. MR T. R. MAGADZIRE, KONTONUMMER: 00003702, SORT CODE. 309090 Kunden BIC. LOYDGB213 63, Kunden IBAN. GB67 LOYD 3090 9000 0037 02, BANK ADDRESS, Lloyds TSB plc, Corporation Street, Blackpool. (Berichtet an Bank 14 Dez 07) UTI BANK. INDIEN, KONTO NEIN 007010100451673. NAME LAITHANGMAWIA. QINGDAO ORICH IND CO. LTD, BANK VON CHINA, BANK ADRESSE: SHANDONG BRANCH QINGDAO CN ACCOUNT NO. 381001147868094001, SWIFT-CODE: BKCHCNBJ500. MAY BANK, NAME: ABIDAN UNTERNEHMEN, KONTO NR. 514495123264, SWIFT CODE: MBBEMYKL, ADRESSE: KLCC WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. MAY BANK, NAME MOO PEN NIE, KONTO NUMMER 514011362252, SWIFT CODE MBBEMYKL, ADRESSE PANDA INDAH, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. ERSTE NATIONALE BANK, ALBERTON, SÜDAFRIKA, ROMMY INVESTMENTS, ACC. Nr. 62140818967, BRANCH CODE: 250942. BARCLAYS BANK, HIGH STREET BRANCH, ACCOUNT HALTER NAME. ROMA ADONU, KONTONUMMER. 3636164, SWIFT-CODE BARCGHAC (Bericht an verantwortliche Person an der Bank, 11. Okt. 07.) NAT WEST BANK, KONZERNHALTER: HASTRUP EDWARD, BIC: NWBKGB2L, IBAN: GB21NWBK01072049047086, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 49047086, SORT CODE: 010720. (Bericht an verantwortliche Person angeschickt Bank, 11 Okt. 07.) HALIFAX BANK, VEREINIGTES KÖNIGREICH, KONTONUMMER, 01403302, SORT CODE 110516, ACCOUNT HOLDERS NAME: DAVID TEDDY KIKIOWO, BIC HLFXGB21062, IBAN GB92HLFX11051601403302. (Berichtet an die Bank per Telefon 11 Okt. 07. wurde gebeten, Details an lokale Zweigniederlassung für die Weiterleitung zu übergeben.) BANK CENTRAL ASIA (B. C.A), ACCOUNT NAME: YUNI UNATY VERONICA. S. ACCOUNT NO: 4910-1276-11, SWIFT CODE: CENAIDJA, BANK ADRESSE: KCP WISMA RELASI JAKARTA INDONESIEN. FIRST COMMERCIAL BANK, HONG KONG BRANCH, Swift Code: FCBKHKHH, Kontonummer: 941110131833 Adresse: No: 7f der Hong Kong Club Gebäude Chater Straße, Begünstigte: FOUND TALENT CO. LTD. Investoren Trust Bank, 2 Avenue Place le Independence, (), Kontoname: DONATUS MAKO, Kontonummer: 010053687954, Konto Referenznummer: ITB875PKY. NATIONWIDE BANK, 12-14 CROSS STREET MANCHESTER M2 7AE VEREINIGTES KÖNIGREICH, ACCOUNT NAME: HELEN PATRICK, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 72879973 SORT CODE: 070030, SWIFT BIC: MiDLGB22, IBAN: GB07NAiA07003072879973 Re HELEN PATRICK, 163 Fowler Road Aylesbury Bucks HP19 7 QR United Königreich. (Berichtet auf Bank per Telefon 10 Okt. 07. Impression, gut.) NATWEST BANK PLC, BENEFICIARY NAME: ALL2ONE LEWISHAM LTD, ACCOUNT NO: 96754249, SORT CODE: 601314, SWIFT CODE: NWBK GB 2L. (Bericht an verantwortliche Person an Bank, 09. Okt. 07) HSBC, 141 DES Voeux Rd. Zentral-Hongkong, Swift HSBCHKHHHKH, ACCT NAME: WIH LOGISTICS LINK LIMITED, ACCT NO: 400404851838. (Bericht geschickt an Bank UK Büro, 10 Okt. 07) HALIFAX PLC, 24 RYE LANE, PECKHAM, LONDON, SE15 5BS. Efemena Kesi, BIC: HLFXGB21Q97, IBAN: GB77HLFX11059101284007, AC Nr. 01284007, SORT CODE 11-05-91. (Berichtet an die Bank per Telefon 08 Okt. 07. wurde gebeten, Details an die örtliche Zweigniederlassung für die Weiterleitung zu übermitteln.) ICICI BANK, LOKHANDWALA BRANCH, ACCOUNT NAME: VINOB KUMAR PADE, AC NUMBER: 026301510869. (UK-Büro, Notizbuch, 12 Okt. 07) BANK VON CHINA, NEW YORK, 410 Madison Avenue (auf 48th Street), New York, NY 10017, ABA NO: 026003269 SWIFT CODE: BKCHUS33, CR. TO SWIFT CODE: BKCHCNBJ92J, AC NO: 4531237-0188-020004-2, BENEF: CHENG XIAN HUA, Adresse: China. (NY Büro, das durch E-Mail benachrichtigt wurde, 12. Okt. 07) HSBC BANK, USA, 452 FÜNFTE AVENUE NEW YORK, ABA NO: 021001088, KREDIT ZUM FINANCIAL BANK BENIN, SWIFT CODE: FIBBBJBJ, ACCOUNT NO: 13518139640, BENEFICIARY: INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE . (Berichterstattung an verantwortliche Person bei Bank, 01. Okt. 07.) M amp T Bank, USA, Begünstigte: James Mcmillan, Konto: 9839644011, Routing: 022000046, Bank Adresse: 201 W Front St, Berwick, PA 18603. HSBC BANK Von LONDON, IBAN NUMBER GB57MIDL40051557026614 ACOUNT NUMBER 57026614, SWIFT CODE: MIDLGB22 REFERENZNAME: MICHAEL PORTER. (Bericht an verantwortliche Person bei Bank, 28. September 07) HSBC BANK, NAME: GLAUBE OWEN, AC NUMBER: 11793322 SC403527, IBANGB38MIDL4025271179 SWCMI9DLGB22. (Bericht an verantwortliche Person bei Bank, 28. Sept. 07) HALIFAX PLC, AC NAME. EFEMENA KESI, AC NO: 01284007, BIC: HLFXGB21Q97, IBAN: GB77HLFX11059101284007, SORT CODE: 11-05-91, BANK ADRESSE: 24 RYE LANE, PECKHAM, LONDON, SE15 5BS. (Berichtet an die Bank per Telefon 13.15 Uhr, 28. Sept. 07. Impression, gut.) HALIFAX PLC, 2223 UNION STREET, SWANSEA, UK. KONTO. NAME: M B UDUOJIE. SORT CODE: 110769. ACCOUNT. NUM: 01544372. BIC-HLFXGB21V02. IBAN: GB78HLFX11076901544372. (Berichtet an die Bank per Telefon 16.00 Uhr, 26. Sept. 07. Impression, gut rtp) HSBC BANK PLC GLASGOW CITY OFFICE, Glasgow7 West Nile Street GlasgowG1 2RQ, ACCOUNT NAME: PRINEL VENTURES, ACCOUNT NUMER: 11341618, SORT CODE: 402247 IBAN NUMBER: GB41MIDL40224711341618, SWIFT CODE: MIDLGB22. (Berichterstattung an verantwortliche Person bei Bank, 27. September 07) HSBC London, Bank Postleitzahl: 40 05 15, Kontonummer: 5 702 6622, Swift Code: MIDLGB22, Name des Begünstigten: William Nwoke. (Bericht an verantwortliche Person an der Bank, 28. Sept. 07) ERSTE KOMMERZIELLE BANK, TA EIN ZWEIG 390 SEC 4 SHIN YI STRASSE TAIPEI TAIWAN ROC, SWIFT CODE: FCBKTWTP, AC NO: 16186001181, AC NAME: GAIN EFFORT CORP ADRESSE: 1 CRANMER STREET, NOTTINGHAM, REFERENZ: FOKUS FINANZMANAGEMENT LTD. HSBC BANK, USA, KONTONUMMER. 001828509, SWIFT CODE: MRMDUSS33, ABA. 021001088 WEITERE KREDIT ZU: KONTONUMMER. 022630107-705, KONTONAME. M. C SARASWAT SSP INTERNATIONAL INC, SWIFT. MIDLJESH. (Berichtet an HSBC UK per E-Mail, 26. Sept. 07.) I. C.I. C.I BANK, FORT BRANCH, Kontoname: ASHIQEUALI SABIRALI SAYED, Kontonummer: 623505384975, Pan Number. ANMPS6352E (ICICI BANK, FORT BRANCH, NAME: SHABBIR IBRAHIM PAVASKAR, KONTO NUMMER: 003601524630, PAN NO: ASKPP8138J. ICICI BANK, FORT BRANCH, NAME: KABIRUDDIN S. SHAIKH, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 003205004345, PAN NO: BCZPS4590K. ICICI BANK, C. Lalnuntluanga, Kontonummer: 039901533230. (berichtet an ICICI UK per E-Mail, 26. Sept. 07.) BANK MEGA, Indonesien, CAPEM RAWAMANGUN, AC Nr .: 01-031-00-20-06991-6 , NAME: WINDA FITRIANA SARI, SWIFT CODE: MEGAIJA. ABBEY NATIONAL BANK, Name KEVIN OLUMESE, ROLLREF NO X15033924 OLU, KONTO NO-00050005 SORTCODE-090000, IBAN-GB86ABBY O90000000 50005, 164 CLAPHAM HIGH ST LONDON, SW4 7TZ (anscheinend kein bestehendes Konto). BARCLAYS BANK PLC, SORT CODE. 20-49-81, SWIFT CODE BARC GB22, Iban Nr. GB46 BARC 2049 8170 0949 00, Konto Nr. 70094900, Kontoname. HUNT CONSULTING LTD (Bericht an verantwortliche Person bei Bank, 26. September 07) ULSTER BANK, BANK ADRESSE: UNTERER OCONNELL ST. D1, DUBLIN, KONTO NAME: HOMELINK UNTERNEHMEN, KONTO NR .: 25839097, IBAN: IE86ULSB98504025839097, SWIFT: ULSBIE2D. (Berichtet an Bank per Telefon 26. September 07. Details verschickt 27 Sept.) Barclays Bank, Postleitzahl: 206655, Kontonummer: 00769746, Name: Pascheal Anochie Inyamah. Peckham, London, England. (Bericht an verantwortliche Person bei Bank, 26. September 07) BARCLAYS BANK, BANK ADDRESS DAGENHAM HEATHWAY BRANCH, LONDON. SORT CODE 20-25-19 KONTO NUMMER 33406261, BENEFICIARY NAME E. A.ARIBANA, SWIFT CODE BARCGB22, IBAN NUMBER GB26BARC20251933406261. (Bericht an verantwortliche Person bei Bank, 26. September 07) Barclays Bank, Kontoname O. Adams, Kontonummer: 30458945, Postleitzahl: 20-20-20, Iban: Gb82barc 20202030458945, Swiftbic: barcgb22, Adresse: Barclays Bank Plc, leicester Le7 2bb (Bericht an verantwortliche Person an der Bank, 26. September 07) Standard Chartered Bank, BRANCH: Liberia Straße, CABLE: Stanchart. SWIFT CODE: SCBLGHAC. ACCOUNT NAME: kenoli investment co. Ltd. Acct: NUMBER: 8700231178300. (Bank im Vereinigten Königreich von tel. Und E-Mail 27. Sept. 07.) Standard Chartered Bank, Liberia Road Branch, Konto Name: Frau Beatrix Norkor Smith, Kontonummer: 8700214664400, Swift Code: SCBLGHAC (Bank benachrichtigt im Vereinigten Königreich per E-Mail, 27. Sept. 07.) NatWest Bank, ACCOUNT NAME, COFRGU. ESQ, KONTO NR. 70051046. SORT CODE 60-09-05. SWIFT CODE NWBK GB 2L, iban nein GB 05 NWBK 6009 05, BRANCH, 21 GOLDERS GRÜNE STRAßE, LONDON NW11 8EQ. (Berichtet an die Bank 25. September 07. (Versäumt, dies per Telefon um 16.00 Uhr am 25. September 07 zu melden. Der Bankangestellte konnte den Bericht nicht akzeptieren, so dass die Details in einer Filiale präsentiert werden müssen. Impression - sehr schlecht Endlich Wurde von der entsprechenden E-Mail-Adresse beraten, so melden Sie sich an 07. Sept. 07) LLOYDS TSB BANK, AC Name: Tbs Brothers Ltd. AC Nr .: 1912837, SORT CODE: 30-92-89, IBAN: GB24 LOYD30928901912837 BIC: LOYDGB21393 East Dulwich Niederlassung, London UK (berichtet von Telefon 17.25 Uhr am 25. September 07. Wurde aufgefordert, Niederlassung am nächsten Tag zu nennen. Dies erwies sich als schwierig, war es unmöglich für das Call-Center, um mich zu verbinden. Lehr eine Nummer mit Pressestelle , Auf Rückruf zurück.) BARCLAYS BANK PLC, 168 FENCHURCH STRT LONDON ECEPHP, SWIFT CODE: BARCGB22, KREDIT ZU: FINANCIAL BANK, SWIFT CODE: FIBBBJBJ, ACC NUMBER: 13665139787, BENEFICIARY: ETS SOLOVIA (berichtet auf Bank um 16.15 Uhr. Am 25. sept. 07. Details an verantwortliche Person verschickt.) Fbn Bank (UK) ltd. 28, Finsbury Zirkus, London EC2M 7DT, Postleitzahl: 40-52-04, Konto Nr .: 101024- US. D. BENEF: Ebimatex Ind. LTD. (Berichtet an Bank per Telefon, 25. Sept. 07. Warten auf Rückruf von verantwortlicher Person. Dies ist nicht passiert, so melden Sie per E-Mail an diese Person am 10. Oktober 07) Halifax Bank Plc, 110 Northend Croydon Cr0 1ud London. Name Stephen Ogu, Kontonummer: 01052063, Rollennummer: 291170277-0, Lagernummer: 110213. Iban Nr .: GB06HLFX11021301052063. (Bank benachrichtigt am 21. September 07) HALIFAX BANK, Name: MC BABATUNDE, Postleitzahl 111811, Kontonummer 14104814. (Bank benachrichtigt 21 Sept. 07) CITI BANK, BANK AC 9979295230 SWIFT CODE CITI US 33 ROUTING NO 021000089, BENEFICIARY NAME AMOS BELLAH, re 911 Saratoga Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11212. (Bank benachrichtigt per E-Mail, 25. September 07) Hang Seng Bank, 83, Des Voeux Road, Central, Hongkong. Begünstigte Name Epay International Limited, Begünstigte Adresse: 7F, Pearl Oriental Tower, 225 Nathan Road, KL, Hongkong. Bankkonto Nr. Oder IBAN 200011310883, Bank SWIFT (BIC) Code HASEHKHH. BANK VON CHINA, KONTO NR .: 4081700-0188-018930-3, BRANCH NAME: BANK VON CHINA BEIJING ZHONGGUANCUN SUB-BRANCH. BRANCH ADRESSE: NO.8 YABAOLU BRANCH BEIJING CHINA, SWIFT CODE: BKCH CN BJ110, BANK TELEFONNUMMER: 01-82535402 BENEFICIARY NAME: WANG CHAN, BENEFICIARY ADDRESSS N0 3 CHAOYANG BEILU CHAOYANG DISTRICT BEIJING CHINA. (Bericht per E-Mail an London Niederlassung 25. September 07) CITIBANK N. A.H. O, NEW YORK, SWIFT-CITIUS 33. BENEF BANK-SHENZHEN ENTWICKLUNG BANK LTD SHENZHEN SWIFT-SZZDBCNBS. AC NO-OSA11005384633501. AC NAME: CHEERLINK UNTERNEHMEN LTD BENFICIARY: CBIPC. COMPAGNIE BANCAIRE DE L AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE (CBAO) CBAO GRAND MEDINE, DAKAR SENEGAL, SWIFT CODE CBAO-SNDA CODE BANQUE: K0012 CODE GUICHET: 01285 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 34152533501w, BRIGHT HUOMA. I. C.I. C.I Bank Neu-Delhi Indien, Kontoname: Lydia Kamei, Kontonummer: 039901511524. ICICI BANK. YUSUF SABIR KHAN, ACCNO: 006505004004. PAN: ATTPK9181C, ACCBRANCH: VASANT VIHAR BRANCH, NEUES DELHI. (Berichtet an Banken UK E-Mail-Adresse 12. September 07.) Bank Name ---- Oversea - Chinesische Banking Corp. Ltd Raffles Geldwechsel LM D. Unternehmen add - 24, Raffles Place, 20-2B Clifford Center, Singapur 048621 Bank-Add-Nr. 65, Chillia-Straße, OCBC-Zentrum, Singapur. Swift-Code-OCBCSGSG CHIPS UID 010275 AC Nr. 501172035301. NATIONWIDE BANK, Name: EM DAVIS, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 47138396, SORT CODE: 074456, BIC: MIDL GB 22, IBAN: GB 30 NAIA 0701 16471383 96, BRANCH: 0220, BANK ADRESSE: 33 KIRCHE STRASSE, ENFIELD, EN2 6AJ. (Berichtet auf Bank 15.15 Uhr 31. August 07. Impression: gut.) JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York, NY10016, Kontonummer: 042083807165, US Domestic Routing Nummer 021000021, International Swift Number CHASUS33, OUDP Inc. HSBC Bank PLC London UK , W1W 6QJ, Eservice Ltd. Kontonummer: 61423010, UK Inländische Filiale Sortiercode: 40-03-15, International Swift Nummer: MIDLGB22, IBAN: GB75MIDL40031561423010. (Berichterstattung an die Bank 29. August 07, keine Angabe einer Aktion durch die Bank.) ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, ACCOUNT NAME: CLARKSON VALE LIMITED, SORT CODE: 162826, BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: 810101785. GB92RBOS16282610101785, BRANCH IDENTIFIER CODE: RBOSGB2L, BANK ADRESSE: KÖNIGLICHE BANK VON SCHOTTLAND, HOCH STREEL (sic) PRESCOTT, MERSEYSIDE L34 6HQ. (Berichtet an RBS Nicht-Plastik-Betrug dept. 15.00 Uhr 29. August 07. Gesichert, dass dies kein vorhandenes RBS-Konto war). H. S.B. C BANK ACCOUNT NAME: Zabeno Ezung, ACOUNT NUMBER: 054309190006 BARCLAYS BANK PLC, 41 WOOLWICH NEUE STRASSE, WOOLWICH SE 18 6NU, Bank AC NO: 40874019, SORT CODE: 20 98 57, IBAN: GB54 BARC 2098 5740 8740 19, SWIFT BIC: BARCGB22 . AC NAME: E. IBENYE. Barclays Bank London, Bakers Street Branch, Bankkonto: 80363812, Postleitzahl: 206915, Swift Code: BARCGB2107G, Iban: GB78 BARC 2069 1580 3638 12, Kontoname: Zeitpunkt integrierte Dienstleistungen. (Diese beiden Kontodaten berichteten über Barclays Betrugsabteilung per Telefon ca. 13.00 Uhr am 20. August 07 - auf einen Rückruf zur Besprechung weiterer Fragen. 22. September - noch warten). Standard Chartered Bank H. K. Kontonummer: 0041 1301 Account Title: Brian Baskerville, Begünstigter Name: Yun Tian Trading Co. Ltd Begünstigte Konto 1310404930 Begünstigte Bank Name: ABA SCBLH KHH Zusätzliche Anleitung: Arran Funding Limited. (Bank alarmiert 30. August 07) STANDARD CHARTERED BANK, GURGAON BRANCH, INDIEN. SHABANA DAVID RAJ, KONTO NO.53410099885. ICICI Bank Limited Neu-Delhi, Indien, Begünstigter Name: P. C. Lalnuntluanga, Begünstigte Kontonummer: 039901533230. (Versuchte, dies bei ICICI London zu melden, aber ohne Erfolg, 30. Juli 07) CITIBANK N. A.H. O, NEW YORK, SWIFT: CITIUS33. BENEFIZIARY: BANK-SHENZHEN ENTWICKLUNG BANK CO. LTD, SHENZHEN. SWIFT: SZDBCNBS. ACCOUNT N0: OSA-11005384633501 KONTO NAME: CHEERLINK UNTERNEHMEN LTD. (Berichtet an Bank 27. Juli 07) T. S.B Bank, Kontoname: Stephen Laurent Ricketts, Kontonummer: 8840 5707, Postleitzahl: 99 07 42, Iban Nummer: IE53IPBS99074288405707. (Berichtet an die Bank, 20. Juli 07. Dies erwies sich als schwierig, es erforderte mehrere Anrufe und die Exposition gegenüber etwa 10 Minuten von quotlounge musicquot. Impression - arm.) BARCLAYS BANK PLC, CROYDON BRANCH, PATI TRADING COMPANY, SWIFT CODE - BARCGB22 IBAN NO - GB81 BARC 20246420111317 BARCLAYS BANK PLC, CROYDON BRANCH. (Berichtet an die Bank, 10. Juli 07) JAMES amp KELLY CHAMBERS, BANKS NAME: CAJA LABORAL, ACCOUNT NUM: 3055-0374-0237-4100-0999 IBAN: ES75-3055-0374-0237-4100-0999, SWIFT CODE: CLPEES2M . KAREEM AFUYE. I ACC NR. ES62 0049 5190 9022 9629 5227 SWIFT CODE: BSCHESMM NAME DER BANK: SANTANDER BANK MADRID, ADRESSE: 28939 MADRIDSPAIN. (Berichtet über Abbey UK, 4. Juli 07). LUIS ANDRES, ACC NR. ES88 2100 1969 5101 0047 0457 SWIFT CODE: CAIXESBBXXX NAME DER BANK. LA CAIXA BANK MADRID 28941 PARLA MADRIDSPAIN. (Berichtet auf Bank 29. Juni 07. Impression - gut.) R K GEMS, ICICI BANK, AC NR. 001205022274, Pan. aktpr9595a branh raza Park. FREDRICH BART, BANK NAME: LA CAIXA BANK, KONTO NUMMER: 2100 1932 1101 0032 1539, IBAN: ES80 2100 1932 1101 0032 1539, SWIFT CODE: CAIXESBBXXX, BANK ADDRESS. CALLE PORTAL DE VILLARREAL, 33-01013 VITORIA GASTEIZ, ESPAA, MADRID, SPANIEN. BARCLAYS BANK PLC, LEA VALLEY BUSSINESS CERTER (sic) ERDGESCHOSSGEBÄUDE. TURNFORD, BRONX () HERTS, EN10-6NH, SORT CODE: 207102, IBAN NO GB59BARC-20411267907477, AC NO: 67907477, AC NAME: PAM VENTURES BESCHRÄNKT. (Berichtet dies an Barclays 27. Juni 07 - EN10 Geschäftskundenlinie - wurde aber darüber informiert, dass das Konto nicht existiert). Erste Geschäftsbank, Ta ein Zweig, Adresse: 390.sec4, shin yi Straße Taipei Taiwan. r.o. c. Swift Code: FCBKTWTP, AC Anzahl: 16186001181, AC Name: GAIN EFFORT CORP Bank Name: (CBAO) Compagnie Bancaire de lAfrique de lOuest, NKASY DANDY ASOMUGHA, KONTO NO.27334152079601-60, ADRESSE: AGENCE 01273 CBAO CAMBERENE, TELEX: 21666321803, SWIFT: CBAOSNDA, DAKAR, SENEGAL. Bank Name. UBA New York, Anschrift: Ein Rockefeller Plaza. 8. Etage. New York, NY 10022 Telefon: 646-282-3797 SwiftBIC Code: UNAFUS33, Transit Code: Sonderanweisungen (BBI-Adresse): Begünstigte Bank): Bank ABA Konto Nr .: 68268011 USD Bank Name. FIRST CITY MONUMENT BANK PLC Bank Adresse: SwiftBIC Code: FCMBNGLA Transit-Code: --- Kredit zu Name. Adefolurin Sesan Adekunle. ELEMIKE C. GODSON, NAME DER BANK: Compagnie Bancaire de LAfrique Occidentale (CBAO), Place De Lindependence Dakar Senegal, SWIFT CODE: CBAO SNDA, CODE GUICHET: 01201, ACCOUNT NO: 34153596601, CLE RIB: 42. HUA NAN COMERCIAL BANK , TAOYUAN BRANCH, TAIWAN, Name des Begünstigten: AUTO BOSS CO. LTD, Konto Nr .: 240990001547 Swift Code: HNBKHKHH. ICICI BANK OF INDIEN, KONTO NAME: SWEETIE WARJRI, KONTO NUMMER: 00210152705. (Berichtet an die Bank 11. Juni 07) UNION BANK PLC, ASO ROCK BRANCH, ABUJA NIGERIA. KONTO NR .: 0993840111110067, KONTO NAME: EINNAHMEN VORSTAND. Standard Bank (Südafrika) Kontoinhaber Name: W. G Mtambo, Kontonummer: 406744424, Filiale Name: Northcliff. Intermediary Bank: LLOYDS TSB BANK PLC, Erster Stock, 25 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7HN, Großbritannien, Swift Code: LOYDGB2L. Die Bank von Nevis International Ltd. IBAN GB48 LOYD 3096 3411 5026 89 P. O. Box 450, Main Street, Charlestown, Nevis, Westindische Inseln, USD Kontonummer: 11502689 Für die endgültige Anerkennung: Moore Capital Inc. Kontonummer: 8293831. (Berichtet nach Lloyds TSB 7. Juni 07. War behandelt, um Versionen von mehreren klassischen Disco zu decken Hits beim Warten, um mit einer verantwortlichen Person verbunden zu sein, Impression - arm, würde lieber aus der Barockoper warten.) STANDARD CHARTERD BANK, (INDIEN) BLISS MAWITE SHOUT, ACCOUNT NO. 53310125744, PAN NO. BJVPS9565F NATIONWIDE, London. (E-Mail-Adresse) Anschrift: 0830-333634-002 Account Name: Run Yue International Trading Co. (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) Ltd, Swift Hinzufügen: WIHBHKHH FAVOR: DextraBLtd. CITIBANK, LONDON, SWIFT CODE: CITIGB2L. SORT CODE: 185008, FÜR KREDIT VON: GARANTIE VERTRAUEN BANK PLC, LAGOS NIGERIA, SWIFT CODE: GTBINGLA, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 5511615, IBAN NUMBER: GB67 CITI 1850 0805 5116 15, FÜR SCHLUSSKREDIT VON: RESPEKT C. DICKSON (Name des Zuschussempfängers) BENEFICIARYS AC NO: 301189268210 (mit GTB). (Bericht per E-Mail, 14. Mai 07. Dies wurde von den Mitarbeitern der Citi Bank verfolgt. Impression: gut) ERSTE KOMMERZIELLE BANK, HONG KONG. 7F DAS HONG KONG CLUB GEBÄUDE, CHATER STRASSE HONG KONG, SWIFT CODE: FCBKHKHH, ACCOUNT NAME: GEFUNDEN TALENT CO. LTD, ACCOUNTNO: 941110131833. HALIFAX BANK, BENEFICIARY: MR V. A. OBADA, SORT CODE: 110152. KONTO-NUMMER: 00041094, IBAN-NUMMER: gb13hlfx11015200041094. (Berichtet an Bank per Telefon, 10. Mai 07. Eine lange Verzögerung vor dem Anschluss an Betrug dept. Schlägt Mangel an Ressourcen.) Woolwich Bank, Adresse: George House, Croydon, Surrey, Großbritannien. Kontonummer 61567741 Postleitzahl 10 80 02, IBAN GB21BARC20325360237140, SWIFTBIC BARCGB22 FSC Aderlene Aguele, Kontoname: Aderlene Isi Aguele. (Bank per E-Mail und Telefon, 10. Mai 07) HALIFAX BANK, Konto: Jimmy O. Aburime, Postleitzahl: 110270, Acct. Nummer: 01102017, IBAN: GB19HLFX 1102 7001 1020 17, SWIFT. BIC HLFXGB21H58 (Berichtet an die Bank per E-Mail, 8. Mai 07) NATIONWIDE BANK, 59 LONDON STRASSE NORIWICH (sic) NR2 1SX NORFOLK, ACC NO: 46462544, IBAN NO: GB 06 NA IA 07011646462544, BRANCH CODE: 074456, ACC NAME: A R UCHE. (Berichtet an die Bank per E-Mail, 8. Mai 07) NATIONWIDE BANK, ANGELA WILLIAMS, KONTO NUMMER: 74292465, SORT CODE: 07 00 30. (Bank per E-Mail, 8. Mai 07) BARCLAYS BANK PLC BAC SWIFT: BARCGB22 IBAN: GB21BARC20325360237140 Zitat: Weiterer Credit an: THE WOOLWICH 29 Latedale Road, Plumstead, London SE18 1PP Vereinigtes Königreich, ACCOUNT NAME: BOSAH. Sie. THERESA, KONTONUMMER: 87550960, SORT CODE: 10-80-02. (Banknoten per E-Mail, 8. Mai 07) ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, 119121, VICTORIA ST, LONDON SW1E 6RA, ACCOUNT NAME: P. EMUH ACCOUNT NUMBER: 00248712 SORT CODE: 160109 IBAN NUMBER: GB90RBOS16010900248712, IBAN BIC NUMBER: RBOSGB2L (Berichtet an die Londoner Niederlassung telefonisch vom 3. Mai 07. Ein Mangel an Interesse und eine negative Haltung. Wenn eine E-Mail-Adresse angefordert wurde, um Beweise vorzulegen, schlug der Zweig vor, einen Brief zu schreiben Impression - sehr arm.) HALIFAX BANK, VEREINIGT KÖNIGREICH, KONTO NUMMER --- 01403302 SORT CODE - 110516, ACCOUNT HOLDERS NAME - MR DAVID TEDDY KIKIOWO, BIC-HLFXGB21062, IBAN-GB92HLFX11051601403302. (Berichtet an Bank per Telefon und E-Mail 1. Mai 07) HSBC Bank, London, SWIFT: MIDLGB22, weitere Gutschrift auf schnellen Code: HSBCHKHHHKH, Abschlussgutschrift an ac: 808168512838. (versuchte, 30. April 07 - telefonisch an HSBC zu melden Es wurde gesagt, dass es keinen spezifischen Ansprechpartner für Berichte dieser Art gab, aber dass ich in einen örtlichen Zweigstellen gehen und meinen Bericht machen sollte. Ich war bereits (mehrmals) an der HSBC Niederlassung in einer nahe gelegenen Stadt zurückgewiesen worden, aber beschlossen, es erneut zu versuchen. Ich sprach mit einem Bankangestellten, der nicht in der Lage war, ein Licht zu machen, warum die Bank scheint so unwillig, Berichte über verdächtige Konten zu akzeptieren.) HALIFAX BANK PLC, ACCOUNT NAME. ANTHONIA IMALELE, BANK ADDRESS: P O BOX 548 LEEDS LS1 1WU. VEREINIGTES KÖNIGREICH, KONTONUMMER. 14021182 SORT CODE. 11-18-11, ROLLNUMMER 292240035-5 (Gemeldet am 26. April 07 - mit Schwierigkeiten - lange Verzögerung - mehrfache Telefonwahl.) NATIONWIDE BANK, ACCOUNT NAME: ESOHE AIHIE, ACCOUNT NUMBER 22225958, SORT CODE 074456, IBAN NUMBER: GB26NAIA07011622225958, BIC CODE: MIDLGB22, Bank Adresse London Vereinigtes Königreich. (Berichtet an die Bank 24. April, 07. Impression: Eine 10-minütige Wartezeit auf den Anschluss an eine verantwortliche Person scheint auf Mangel an Ressourcen zu verweisen.) WING HANG BANK LIMITED, 441-443 KING ROAD, NORTH POINT. HONG-KONG, BENEFICIARY: RUN YUE INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO. LTD. ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0830-333634-002, SWIFT CODE: WIHBHKHH. Abtei Bank Johnson W. Ernest, Kontonummer: 96025610, Postleitzahl: 090126, Bic: abbygb2lxxx, Iban: gb89abby09012696025610, Adresse: P. O.Box 382, ​​Prescot Street, Abtei Zweig, London E18RP, Großbritannien. (Berichtet an die Bank per Telefon 10 April 07 - Abtei scheint solche Berichte ernst zu nehmen. Impression - positiv) You. T.I. Bank (Indien) LEISHIYO A. SHIMRAY. KONTO NR .: 140010100136549. LLOYDS TSB Bank, Kontoname: Herr Efemena Kesi, Kontonummer: 69078368, Bic. LOYDGB21J25, IBAN: GB17LOYD77914469078368, Bank Filiale: Bexleyheath Niederlassung, Postleitzahl: 77- 91-44. (bei Bank per Telefon 02. April 07). HSBC BANK, NAME - M. MEHTAR, IBAN-GB93 MIDL40062781403664, SWIFT CODE-MIDLGB22, KONTO NO-81403664 SORT CODE-400627s. (Bericht per E-Mail an Bank-Kundenbeziehungen, 30. März 07- siehe unten) HSBC BANK, ACCOUNT NAME: CAPITAL LÖSUNGEN, ACCNO: 91523104, SORT CODE: 40 09 25, SWIFT CODE IBAN: Gb77midl40092591523104. 141 HIGH STREET, BECKENHAM KENT BR3 1BX UK. (Berichtet an Bank per Telefon 30. März 07 - nach einem bizarren Gespräch mit der Bank Betrug Abteilung, in der sie sagten, sie waren nicht in der Lage, E-Mail-Beweis zu akzeptieren, aber widerwillig gab eine allgemeine Kundendienst-Adresse. Eindruck - sehr arm.) BARCLAYS BANK Großbritannien, 3638 SÜD ST. ROMFORD ESSEX RM1 1RH VEREINIGTES KÖNIGREICH, BENEFICIARY: CRYSTAL PLUS SERVICES, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 40480096, SORT CODE: 20 -72 -91 SWIFT CODE: BARCGB22 IBAN NUMBER: GB26BARC20729140480096. (Berichtet über Bankenbüro per E-Mail 30 März 07) BARCLAYS BANK LONDON, B. Irabor, KONTO NR. 60914665, SORT CODE: 202569, IBAM. NEIN. GB50 Barc 2025 6960 9146 65, SWIFTBIC NR. BARCGB22 (Berichtet an die Bank über Pressestelle E-Mail 29 März 07) NATIONWIDE BANK, 12-14 CROSS STREET MANCHESTER M2 7AE ENGLAND, ACC NAME - THOMAS WISE ACC NUMBER - 72880386, SORT CODE - 070030, SWIFT BIC MiDLGB22, IBAN GB11NAiA07003072880386. (Berichtet an die Bank per E-Mail 28 März 07 - berichtet per Telefon 29 März 07) Natwest Bank, 185 haverstock Hügel, London nw3 4qy, Acct: 90538331, Emmanuel Afambu, Postleitzahl: 601022, iban gb62nwbk6102290538331, iban nic nwbkgb2l. (Versuchte, dies an NatWest am 27. März 07 zu melden. Die NatWest-Zentrale Betrugs - und Sicherheitsabteilung weigerte sich, einen Telefonbericht zu akzeptieren und weigerte sich, E-Mail-Nachweise über das Betrugskonto zu akzeptieren. Die Kontodaten wurden daher an die Zweigniederlassung gemeldet.) Halifax Bank, Herr ea clark, Sortcode 111811, Kontonummer 13465810, iban nein GBO5hlfx11181113465810, Swift Code hlfxgb21l68, Halifax Bank. (Berichtet an die Bank - 26. März 07) LLOYDS TSB BANK, 102 Hilldene Avenue, Harold Hill, Romford, Essex, RM38DU, ACCOUNT. NO. 01258126 SORT CODE: 30-13-76, SWIFT CODE: LOYDGB21580, IBAN NUMBER - GB96LOYD30137601258126, BENEFICIARY ACCOUNT NAME: - LUFOUS DIENSTLEISTUNGEN, 20 PEARCY SCHLIESSEN, HAROLD HILL ROMFORD ESSEX RM3 8PW. (Berichterstattung an die Bank - 23. März 07) icici bank Indian, Neu-Delhi, Rodah Yangdeng Lungtokiihum, Kontonummer: 031301500306. HSBC LONDON, ACC NO: 57026622 SWIFT CODE: MIDLGB22, Name des Empfängers: MOSES OPARA, Kontoname: Rennies Bank Limited SWIFT ADRESSE (RNNSZAJJ). BANK NAME: BANCAJA ACCOUNT NAME: BARRY JONES CHESSY I. B.A. N: ES90 2077 1317 1716 0001 9995 (BIC) SWIFT-CODE: CVALESVVXXX ADRESSE: CL ALTA 25. 28006 MADRID - SPANIEN. ECO Bank Nigeria, Uni Port Branch, Konto Nr .: 3330004017, gem. Inhaber: Chukwuma Onyeka. HALIFAX PLC, HUGO MIDDEN, ACC NO: 00844674, SORT CODE: 11 08 68, IBAN NUM. GB98HIFX11086800844674 BANK VON TAIWAN, CHENG CHUNG BRANCH, 47 CHING TAO E. ROAD, TAIPEI, TAIWAN, ACCT NO: 045-007-000723, ACCT NAME: JUNGE FAST OPTOELECTRONICS CO LTD. SWIFT CODE: BKTWTWTP045. Roberts Paul, Nr. 9175736614, Bank Name: ABSA Bank, Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ. Bank für Außenhandel, OBUHOVA MARINA PAVLOVNA, 424000 Russland, Mari El Republik, Yoshkar-Ola Stadt, Y. Kyrlya 6 - 133. gem. Nummer 40817810118009007082 Swift Code VTBR RU M2 YOS Vneshtorgbank Yoshkar-Ola, Russland, Palantaya Straße, 112V. COMERICA BANK, 15846 WARREN, AVE. DETROIT, MI 48228, USA. ACCOUNT NO: 1851493658, ROUTING NO: 072000096, ACCOUNT HOLDER: AUTO STADTZENTRUM INC. IBAN. RO22 RZBR 0000 0600 0773 4098, SWIFT CODE RZBRROBU, Bank. Str. Stirbei Voda Bl. T1, Stadt. Rm. Valcea, ZippCode. 1000 Land. Rumänien. Gouzalal Shoute, Kontonummer: 630101507652, icici Bank. Mammie Ralte, Konto Nr. 3007636507-4, Bank Name: Staatsbank von Indien, Indien. BANK CHINA BEIJING, JINSONG DONG KOU SUB-BRANCH, Nr.37, Nanmofang Straße, ChaoYang Bezirk, Peking, China SWIFT CODE (BIC): BKCH CN BJ 110. ACCOUNT NO: 4103200-0188-009388-3 EMPFÄNGER NAME: YouQing Li LLYYDS TSB BANK PLC, Erster Stock, 25 Gresham Street London, EC2V 7HN, Vereinigtes Königreich, Swift Code: LOYDGB2L, Favor: Die Bank von Nevis International Ltd. IBAN GB48 LOYD 3096 3411 5026 89 P. O. Box 450 Main Street, Charlestown Nevis, West Indies, USD Account Number: 11502689. For Final Credit To: Moore Capital Inc. Account Number: 8293831. First Commercial Bank, Taipei, Taiwan (TW), beneficiary: Jean Paul. HSBC Bank, London, UK, Sort Code: 40:07:12, Swift Code: MIDLGB2143A, AC number: 51475029, AC name: (MABELS) IBAN: GB48MIDL40071251475029. Royal Bank of Canada, 260 East Beaver Creek Road, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3M3, Swift Code: ROYCCAT2, Account number: 06032-4525770, Account Name: Donghai Xia. CHINA MERCHANT BANK HQ. ROOM 201, BUILDING 29, NO 815 TAOLIN ROAD SHANGHAI P. R.C. SWIFT CMBCCNBS CHIPS UID 298375. AC NO. OSA-0884330932001. BENEFICIARY. MAXWELL CHINA LTD. SPECIAL INSTRUCTION. URU. VIJAYA BANK, TRINITY CIRCLE BRANCH M. G.ROAD, BANGALORE - 560 001. KARNATAKA(INDIA) ACCOUNT NUMBER. S. B. AC NO 133101011000476, NAME OF THE BENEFICIARY. S. M.R. BABU, SWIFT CODE. VIJBINBBFXB. American Express Bank LTD, New York Agency, P. O.Box 740 New York, NY 10008. USA, SWIFT CODE: AEIBUS33, CURRENT ACCOUNT: 000718130, FURTHER CREDIT TO: SSB BANK LIMITED, INTERNATIONAL BANKING DEPT, P. O.BOX 13119 ACCRA - GHANA, SWIFT CODE: SSEBGHACA, BENEFICIARY: C. O.You. E. ACCOUNT: 0142510030755. WILLIAM THOMPSON, 4766603-0188-134358-9, BANK OF CHINA, HUANSHIDONG SUB-BRANCH, GUANGZHOU, CHINA, SWIFT CODE: BKCHCNBJ400. Arumeni Hamilton, Compagnie Bancaire de L Afrique Occidentale (CBAO), CBAO Grand Medine, Dakar Senegal, Swift Code: CBAO-SNDA, Code Banque: K0012, Code Guichet: 01285, Account number: 34151254501 IBAN: SN0012 Cle Rib: 60. Citibank New York. 111 Wall Street 19th Floor New York 10043, SWIFTCODE: CITIUS33XXX, Account Name: Chartered Bank Plc, Account Number: 36127476, FOR THE BENEFIT OF MOTEK INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNT NUMBER: 7300048189. FBN BANK (UK) 28 FINSBURY CIRCUS, LONDON EC2M 7DT. Account number 101024 Swift Code FBNIGB2L Sort code 40-52-04 Beneficiary: EMIMATEX IND. LTD EMIRATES BANK INTERNATIONAL, SHARJAH IND. AREA BRANCH, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, ACCOUNT NAME: MASHABA SMITH LAWRENCE, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0025-604578-100, SWIFT CODE: EBILAEAD. AMADIEGWU You JOHN, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 62111623113, SWIFT CODE: FIRNZAJJ690, BRANCH CODE: 212217 BRANCH NAME: BALFOUR PARK, BANK NAME: FIRST NATIONAL BANK, JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA. LUTHA SHERYL NKOSI, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 424710323. STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA. BRANCH NAME: KATLEHONG, SWIFT CODE: SBZAZAJJ. First National Bank of South Africa (FNB), ACCOUNT NAME: MISS MMATIMA. R. MOHALE, ACCOUNT NO. 62106077101, BRANCHE CODE: 212217, SWIFT CODE: FIRNZAJJ. VALENTINE OKWUCHUKWU IBEH, ECO BANK, COTONOU, BENIN - REPUBLIC, CODE:B0062 CODE GUICHET:010, ACC. NO:12039330001727 CLE RIB:04 CODE SWIFT:ECOCBJBJ. PARKER. K E. ACCOUNT NO: 904072606 FRISSENSTEIN 537.1102. A. P. AMSTERDAM - THE NETHERLANDS. NATIONWIDE BANK, 39, PICCADILLY MANCHESTER M1 1NB ENGLAND, SORT CODE. 07 01 16, PREFIX. 0712, ACCOUNT NUMBER. 34017588, ACCOUNT NAME :BEN MEDUBE. Adriano Constantine, Bank Name. Bancaja Bank, Account. 20770879911600356450 IBAN. ES0820770879911600356450 SWIFT. CVALESVVXXX. P. N.C BANK, : 1 OAK STREET, LONGWOOD, NEW JERSEY, 07450 USA, ROBERT JAMES FRANKEL, SWIFT CODE: PNCCUS 33. ABA : 031207607, ACCOUNT : 8025904264. Standard Chartered Bank (HK) Ltd, 86-98 Canton Road, T. S.T, KLN, Hong Kong, Swift Code: SCBLHKHHXXX. AC Nnmber: 00329210117668, Beneficiary: Union Rise Industrial Ltd. ISAAC JOE, HSBC. BRANCH - SOUTH EXTENSION, ACCT. NO.053213724006, NEW DELHI. MIKELIS VARVARAS, Bank Name: BANCAJA, IBAN: ES71 2077 0908 7116 0040 9360, SWIFT CODE: CVALESVVXXX. ABSA. BRANCH: BRAAMFONTAN, ACC HOLDERS: NAME ENAM MAPUZA. ACCOUNT NO: 9119395410, CODE ZAJJ 630605, SOUTH AFRICA. Allied Irish Bank Plc (A. I.B), AC. Name: STEVEN GREEN, AC NO: 0430-6094. IBAN NO: ie30aibk93238804306094, Swift Code: AIBKIE2D. POST BANK, BENEFICIARY NAME:- PETER KONTEH, ACCOUNT NUMBER:- 9177848. SWIFT CODE:-PSTBNL21 CITY:- DEN HAAG, THE NETHERLANDS. Comdirect Bank, Account Number: 326 549 300, Account Name: Graeber, Bank Code: 200 411 33, BICSWIFT: COBADEHD001, IBAN: DE04200411330326549300. Additional Bank Information: Comdirect Bank AG, Pascalkehre 15, 25451 Quickborn, Germany Europe. (Intermediate Bank for US transfers: gtCommerzbank AG Two World financial Center, New York gtSWIFT: COBAUS3XXXX, ABA-Routingno. 026008044) re overseas teaching job fraud. BCA BANK CENTRAL ASIA, AC NUMBER: 0281765824, SWIFT CODE: CENAIDJA, BENE NAME: RINA DIANA, ADDRESS: KCU WAHID HASYIM TANAH ABANG, JAKARTA PUSAT INDONESIA. FIRST COMMERCIAL BANK, HONG KONG BRANCH, SWIFT CODE: FCBKHKHH, AC: 941110131833, BENEFICIARY: FOUND TALENT CO. LTD. FIRST NATIONAL BANK South Africa, ACCOUNT NAME: ISIMMILI TRADING C. C. ACCOUNT NUMBER: 62088523751. SWIFT CODE: FIRNZAJJJ. BRANCH CODE: 200967, JOHANESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA. E. SUN COMMERCIAL BANK, OBU BRANCH 3F, NO.115, SEC3 MIN SHENG E RD. TAIPEI CITY, TAIWAN(R. O.C) SWIFT CODE: ESUN TWTP AC NO: 0200441019948 AC NAME: UNION TRUSTY CO. LTD. OVERSEAS CHINESE BANK, EAST DISTRICT BRANCH, TAIPEL (Taipei), TAIWAN. ACCOUNT NAME ALAMIN INDUSTRIAL CORPORATIONS, BANK CODE ACCOUNT NO 004-007-0000069-9. REF BARRISTER JUDE NJOKU. KEVIN JOHN MCKENNA, LA CAIXA, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2100 2541 1520 1001 2145. IBAN CODE: ES91 SWIFT CODE: CAIXESBBXXX. BANK OF OVERSEAS CHINESE, SHYHLIN BRANCH, TAIPEI, TAIWAN. R. O.C. AC NAME: FUTURE LEADER CONTRACTING Co. LTD, AC NO: 023-007-00011008, SWIFT CODE: OCCBTWTPO23. STEADY SPEED CO. LTD, FIRST COMMERCIAL BANK TA-AN BRANCH. 30 CHUNGKING SOUTH ROAD, SEC 1, TAIPEI TAIWAN R. O.C. SWIFT CODE: FCBKTWTPOBU AC NO: 16186000690. STEEDY SPEED CO. LTD BANCAJA CALLE GENERAL RICARDO 320, N1,MADRID, 28022, SPAIN. IBAN:ES79 2077 0786 9816 0014 9571 Bank Account Nr: 2077 0786 98 16001 49571. Bank Swift Code: 5104-CVALESVVXXX. ALLIANCE AND LEICESTER BANK, LONDON, ENGLAND, ACCOUNT NUMBER 41134688, SWIFT CODE: 725004 ACCOUNT NAME: MRS NICOLA WILDE, 74 CHURCH DRIVE, NOTTINGHAM NG56LD. Buruleanu Mircea, Banca Comerciala Carpatica, Calea lui Traian BL. 36 Valcea, 1000, Swift code: CARPRO22, Bank account (EURO): RO44CARP000EURO390801426. re dragos. sellergmail. HSBC BANK PLC, 74 GOSWELL ROAD CLERKENWELL LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM. Account Name: Nigel O. Williams, Sort Code: 400217, Account Number: 71441183, IBAN NUMBER: GB68MIDL40021771441183 BRANCH IDENTIFIER CODE: MIDLGB2106A. Name: Blamo Nelson, Avenue Rue De La Triech Zone 5 Marcoury Abidjan, Cte dIvoire. Bank Name: BIAO, Marcoury Abidjan, Account number: 228 35060 6097, swift Code: BIAO-CI AB PHILIP MADU CHUKUNUGO, ECOBANK - COTE DIVOIRE S. A. AGENCE DES 11 PLATEAU 168,BOULEVARD LATRILLE BP.245 CIDEX ABIDJAN, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2000 0028 0130 15, SWIFT CODE: ECOCCIAB. MS. NATCHARI KHONGSAMMA BANK NAME: BANKTHAI BRANCH: RATCHPROPLOP RD. PRATUNAM, BAGKOK 10400 THAILAND, ACCOUNT NAME: PRAPHAPHAN SUNTHORN, ACCNO 003-2-25074-4 SWIFT CODE UBOBTHBK. YOLISWA MAQUBA, STANDARD BANK, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 007179340, SWIFT CODE: SBZAZAJJ, BRANCH CODE: 004605 ELLIS PARK, SOUTH AFRICA. NANYANG COMMERCIAL BANK LTD. SHOPA,1F, HONG KONG PACIFIC CENTRE 28 HANGKOW ROAD, T.S. T.KLN,(HK) SWIFT CODE NYCBHKHH. AC NO: 043-490-1-0219364. AC NAME: LIHOI LAI HSBC BANK PLC, (PRESUMED) Mrs. Iyesa Ismana: Sort code: 40 - 06 - 21, SWIFT code: MIDLGB22, BIC code: MIDLGB22, Account number: 91010794 (DOLLAR ACCOUNT) IBAN number: GB63MIDL40062191010794 . THE HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION LTD. NORTH POINT BRANCH, 306-316 KINGS ROAD, NORTH POINT, HONG KONG. SWIFT CODE. HSBCHKHHHKH, AC No. 004-7-610167, AC NAME. YANG, JINGBIN. Oufmann Ramon, Bank Name: Caja Espana, Account Number (IBAN): ES25 2096 0473 7437 3311 8300 Swift Code (BIC) :CSPAES2L Bank Adress: C Gran Via, City: Zaragoza, Country: Spain, ZipCode: 50002 OUFMANN RAMON, Bank Name: BANESTO, Account Number (IBAN): ES74 0030 8006 9503 9503 8273 Swift Code (BIC). ESPCESMMXXX, Bank Adress: str GRAN VIA, nr 34. City: Zaragoza, Country: Spain ZipCode: 50005. Bank Name: BANCAJA, Name: RAMON OUFMANN, Bank Adress: PASEO DE LA CONSTITUCION, 18, ZARAGOZA, ZIP 50008. Account number (iban). ES30 2077 0277 8616 0104 3768 cod swift, Bic:CVALESVVXXX. VIRVA MARIAN, CAJA ESPANA, Account Number (IBAN): ES59 2096 0003 1737 4224 5200, Swift Code (BIC). CSPAES2L, Bank Adress: AVENIDA JOSE AGUADO, nr 1. City: LEON Country: Spain ZipCode: 24005 Barclays bank plc. willsden amp Nottinghill group, london. NW107 JA. Account Name: Eps international. Account Adds: 10,ellinfort road. off mare street, hacKney, london. Account no:43546455. Sort code:203019. Swift :BARCGB22. NAME OF BANK: LA CAIXA, CALLE CHILE N0 5,01009, VITORIA GASTEIZ, SPAIN. ACCOUNT NUM: ES2100-1558-92200-105-9963, IBAN CODE: ES 12, SWIFT CODE: CAIXESBBXXX, BENEFICIARY: COKER JONES. Standard chartered bank. no 5002 shen nan road east shezhen, pr-china - swift code: scblcnsxshz-ac no: 3854430411, Benef: union rise industrial ltd. BANK NAME:- CAJA MADRID, SPAIN, ADDRESS NO. 9 SAN JOSE, ALCORCON, MADRID - SPAIN. BANK SWIFTCODE: CAHMESMMXXX. BENEFICIARY: MARIA ANGELES BARRAGAN MARQUEZ, ACCOUNT NO: 2038-2279-11-3001448129, ACCOUNT SWIFT: 2279 IBAN ES65. re ACTUALIDAD FINANZAS S. A. agents2005terra. HSBC BANK, 8 HIGH STREET, MANCHESTESTER M60, ACCOUNT NUMBER:31444050, SORT CODE: 403123 IBAN: GB 46 MIDL, 403123314445050, BRANCH IDENTIFIER CODE: MIDL GB 2144 You, BENEFICIARY: FRANK LIN DAVIES. SAMUEL OGUNSERI ZABAYO, BANK NAME: UNICREDIT BANCA, BANK ADDRESS: PIAZZA EMANUELE 25A, PARMA 43100 (PR) ITALY. ACCOUNT NUMBER: 000010322170 ABI: 02008 CAB: 12715. Fraud criminals asked for payment to this account in September 05. CITY BANK NEW YORK quotChange beneficiary from HENRY FREEMAN, USA TO ANN GLOBAL LTDquot. (presumably Citibank). CR TO: SWIFT: ADNTGHAC, AC NO 36964987 ROUTE NO: 021000089 BENEFICIARY: AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT BANK, LAPAZ BRANCH AC NO: 1141000002222. Confused instructions from September 05. BANK OF AMERICA. MIAMI. ABA, 063100277. SWIFT, BOFAUS3M, FOR FUTHER CREDIT TO BANCO CREDITO AGRICOLA DE CARTAGO, SWIFT CODE, BCACCRSC. AVENIDA ,4 CALLE O Y 2. SAN JOSE. COSTA RICA. TO MR JOHNSONS YOUNG, ACC NUM, 302--101--101514418. SAN JOSE COSTA RICA. CAJA CASTILLA LA MANCHA, ACCOUNT NUM: 2105-3072-61-0010-0044-51, SWIFT CODE: CECAESMM105, BENEFICIARY: CHARLES IBI, ADDRESS: MADRID SPAIN. FOR PAYMENTS VIA WESTERN UNION (and MONEYGRAM where noted) : NOTE: Where British addresses are given, the money will typically be collected by foreign criminals using forged documents. Because of ineffective immigration controls, Britain is experiencing forms of crime unknown until recent years. The criminals use forged documents when they collect (so the addresses they give out are meaningless) but the money has to be collected in the named country. ALBERT ALSON, COTONOU, BENIN. OLOH NICOLAS, COTONOU, BENIN REPUBLIC. Timothy Jones, 149 International Airport Road, Isolo, Lagos, Nigeria. Samuel Eko, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria 23401. Mattew Olaniyi, Abuja, Nigeria. WILLIAMS BROWN, LAGOS NIGERIA. segun babatunde, 14 saula st behind ahmadiya hospital, ijaiye ojokoro, lagos, 23401 Nigeria. STELLA EDET, 98 Badagry Express Way, Lagos, Nigeria. UGOCHUKWU CHIJIOKE DURUIKE, China, 6th Floor, Parkview Center 2 Jiangtai Road, Guangzhou. EARL DAVIS, London. Mba Philip, Lagos, Nigeria. Andrew Samuel, Benin, Edo. Nigeria. Micheal Peter, 3 yahaya crescent, Jos, Plateau State Nigeria. Quadri Yusuf, 12, Otigba Street Ikeja Lagos Nigeria. Amir Malik, 26 York Street, London, W1U 6PZ. Mark Hecther, UNIT 6,TRIDENT INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, BLACKTHORN ROAD, COLNBROOK. BERKSHIRE SL3 OAX. Alex Payne, Nigeria. Tony Peter, Nigeria. JAMES EDU, Nigeria. JOSEPH OBALIM, COTONOU, BENIN REPUBLIC. ROGER ELEKWU, LAGOS, NIGERIA. Jeff Onos, 12 Lagos Street, Apapa Lagos Nigeria. NWEKE ANDREW UZODIGWE, AKPAKPA, COTONOU, BENIN REPUBLIC. MAX LOUIS, 45A MOTORVATION LOGISTICS VICTORIA ROAD NOTTINGHAM G4 2LA. 20 Adeola Hopewell Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, 23401, Nigeria. Omofuma Abraham, 14th Floor 5155 Broad Street, Lagos, Nigeria. Alex Ezechukwu, Cotonuo, Benin Republic. OBALIM JOSEPH, COTONOU, BENIN REPUBLIC. Aubrey Phillips, 199 Gabby Duke Avenue, Central London NR21 8PH. ENDURANCE UMOERA, LAGOS, NIGERIA. Madubuko Godwin, C45 Benin 41 Mid Akpakpa, Benin Republic. JAMES EDU, LAGOS, NIGERIA. MARK WRIGHT, 128 SEYMOUR PLACE, LONDON UB6 9BX. Adesanya Adebola, 27, Badagry express way, Badagry, Nigeria. Mrs. KOTI IVOLINE, DOUALA, CAMEROON 00237 (MoneyGram). KATE ARINZE, Lagos, Nigeria. Tom Brown, 49 barth road plumstead, se18 1sh United Kingdom. Andrew Knill, 22 Grosvenor St. Barnstaple Devon ex327dt. Michael Adetoro Sodipo, Nigeria. Onyekachi Mochas, Benin. ONYIBOR A. CHUKWUMA, COTONOU, BENIN REPUBLIC. Williams, 593A Stratford Road, Sparkhill. Stanley Green, Unit 19, Tideways Industrial Estate, Kirtling Street, Vauxhall, London SW8 5BP. Monsurudin O. Muraina, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. (MoneyGram) Chima Onyema, Lagos Nigeria. CHUKWUMA E. NWAOJI, BENIN REPUBLIC. JAMES EDU. LAGOS, NIGERIA. Larry Moore, 1 Torquay Street, London, W25EJ, UK. Janet Brab, 300 W. 81st Street, Los Angeles, CA 90003. DANIEL ILO-NWAFOR, Benin. HANS DURU, LAGOS, NIGERIA. BEN CHIKE, ABUJA, NIGERIA. Amanda Wesley, 1 Bord street, West London, E174EG. Oahimin O. Samuel, Diplomat house, plot 4 Block 23, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. Muraina O. Monsurudin, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. Angela Groston, 3 Kemble Street, London WC2B 4AN . Jayson Kemper, 59 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 7NE. Alexis Payne. Tottenham. Agnes Byrnes. Tottenham. Kadiri Jerry Osikhena, phase 3 ton limited trading house computer village, Gwagwalada, Abuja, 23409, Nigeria. Esther A. Emoda, No. 40-2, Second Floor, Jalan 1448A, Sentul Raya, Off Jalan Sentul, sentul, Lampur, 55100, Malasyia. Oahimin O. Samuel, Diplomat house, plot 4 Block 23, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. ADEBERE MACDONLAD OJO, 12, COKER AVENUE LAGOS NIGERIA. Faith Sanni, Westwood hill, sydenham, London, United Kingdom. GBENGA BRIGHT, LAGOS, NIGERIA. George pent, Johnsons Hotel and Suites Room 6, Lagos, Nigeria. Steve Atkinson, 51,Teasell Way, e15 3aa, London. LEONARD OKOLIE ONYEKA, Nigeria. John Mayer, Den-Haag, The Netherlands (MoneyGram). Nwabunwanne Udo Francis, Benin Republic. Samson Smith, 80 Howard road, Banking, London. CHINAZA TAGBO, COTONOU, BENIN REPUBLIC. Frank Berken, 101 Hoxton Street, London N1 6QQ. simon s iyoha, 7 joseph street, ikeja, lagos, nigeria, 23401. Althea Lashley, 495 Walton Avenue, Bronx, New york, Zipcode: 10451, USA. Benjamin Amadin, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. Kenneth Amadi, Abuja, Nigeria. Prince Todd, Romford, Essex, United Kingdom. NWEKE ARINZE, Republic of Benin, Cotonou. John Sadoh, Nigeria. State: Abuja. ESEM DESTINE, 317 AIRPORT ROAD, BENIN CITY, NIGERIA. Aburime Maccollins, FedEx Head office Address : Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria, 23452. LEVIN ZUMAH. COTONOU, BENIN. Adam Williams, 40 Manor Road, DORCHESTER, Dorset DT1 2AX, United Kingdom. OKAFOR C PETERSON, 6 MISSION ROAD, BENIN CITY, NIGERIA. ANTHONY NZEKWE, COTONOU, BENIN REPUBLIC. Charles Johnson, Central Pk EstMosley Rd, Trafford Park Manchester. M17 1TT UK. Cathy George, 681-689 Holloway Road, London, United Kingdom. Martins Anthony, 19 usman diof, Dakar, Senegal. MUSTAPHA HILLS, 101 AVENUE CHIECK ANITA DIOP, DAKAR. SENEGAL. FRANK BLAIR, 43 Wilson Ave, Harlesden, London NW10. Rev. Nicholas Smith, Lagos, Nigeria. BRADLEY JOHNSON, VALENCIA, SPAIN. Andreson Ehizibue, Unit 6, Vicent Way, FCT Abuja, Nigeria. JOHN EDGARS, LONDON. OSAGIE EMUZE, LAGOS NIGERIA, ZIP CODE: 23401. DAVID IYERE, Plot 125 FCT, ABUJA, Nigeria. RAYMOND SMITH, Central Pk EstMosley Rd, Trafford Park, Manchester. M17 1TT UK. MIKEL EGBOGHU, NO. 2, DOTUN STR. RING RD. IBADAN, OYO STATE, NIGERIA. PETER ANDERSON, 30 GROVE ENGLAND LONDON. (MoneyGram) DENICE KENNEDY, 20 BANK ROAD, ABUJA F. C.T. NIGERIA. Andrew Cole, Cityside House, 40 Adler Street, London, E1 1EE. TIMMY WISE, Link House, 1C CHURCH STREET, WHITCHURCH, HANTS. RG28 7AD. Bisi George, Karolla Express Courier Service, 23, Olowokere Street, Lagos Nigeria 23401. LOUANA WOLFF, 184 TULSE HILL, SW2 3BU LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM (MoneyGram). Kevin Evans, 1 Aldermanbury Square, London EC2V 7SB. Sandra Bloggs, 2hb Heartland Close, Berkshire, London. Scott Brown, 12 Ground Floor, Amburst Service, London E8 2BT. Bradley Essman, 144146 VI, London, United Kingdom. Sara Hopkins, FSA Tax Office, 44 Hamilton Street, London, United Kingdom. Gary Hamilton, Post Bank Plc, James Holt Park, Leicester, United Kingdom. Emmanuel Omofuma, First Bank Plc, Lagos, Nigeria. AKUDO BEN, 8th Floor Sea Containers House, Upper Ground, London SE1 9PD. AKPAN UFOT EMMANUEL, 123 DOCK RD VI, LAGOS, NIGERIA 23401. EMMA LOU SHELTON, WEST FRAKFURT, ILLINOIS. Austin Williams, 5 Oba Akinjobi str GRA, Lagos, Nigeria 23401. Nzekwe Francis, Abuja. Nigeria. Zikpo Samson Debafegha, Ibadan, Nigeria. RONALD PAILLAINT, 446 J. J DESSALINES. PORT AU PRINCE, HAITI, HT 6112. PETER D. BROWN, CHATTERFORD END, BASILDON ESSEX, UNITED KINGDOM. (MoneyGram) ANDY MUORAH, 20 QUEENS DRIVE IKOYI LAGOS NIGERIA 23401. Onifade Olaoluwa Henry. Gloria Lewis, 29-30 High Holborn, Holborn, London, WC1V 6AZ. FRANK DIKE, LAGOS, NIGERIA. Onyibor Alexander, COTONOU, BENIN REPUBLIC. Mike Harrison, London UK. Andrew Cole, Cityside House, 40 Adler Street, London, E1 1EE. LI BO, 223 DOMPU ROAD, GUANGZHUO, CHINA. Jane Owen, Tower 13, level 35 25 Old Broad Street London EC2N. Mustafa Farooq, 25 King Ade Street, Lagos, Nigeria, 23401. Win Bestman, Unit 4 Tideways Industrial Estate, Kirtling Street, Vauxhall, London. MARK PETERS, 2nd. Floor, Old University Building, St Pauls Street, NEWCASTLE, UK. TIMMY WISE, Link House, 1C CHURCH STREET, WHITCHURCH, HANTS. RG28 7AD ENGLAND. AKPALI ANELU, 233 Royal Suite Hotel Ave Maryland, lagos, Nigeria 23401. David Raymond, 123 kudirat abiola way, ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. Anthony Okoh, 10 Old Obasanjo Road, Abuja, Nigeria. Nelly Dabor, 23 paccell, Dakar, Senegal. PETER ANTHONY, Plot 5, Okoi Way, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. Frand Strickley, 34 Myra Street, Abbeywood, London se2 0ha. Mitchell Williams, 2 Salvation Ave, Ikeja, Lagos, 23401 Nigeria. Erica Jones, 48 Sumatra Road, West Hampstead, London, NW6 1PF, United Kingdom. JOHN WOOD, 165 FULHAM PALACE RD, W6 8JB UNITED KINGDOM LONDON. Victor Edwards, Maxwell Shipping Services, Lagos, Nigeria. Martins Edeme, 12 Allen Avenue. Benin City, Nigeria. MELFAH J. OKEBUNOR. LAGOS, NIGERIA. Michael Peter Shola, 20 Old Oba Road, Lagos, Nigeria 234-01. Bryson Cole, Ground Floor 286 Euston Road, London NW1 3UH. Larry Williams, 109 Queens Gate, South Kensington, London SW7 5LR. Osasu Ediagbonya, Ugbowo Campus University Of Benin, Benin City. St Albeert Catholic church Opposite Vice chancellor Office Uniben. Patrick Anderson, Plot 5, Okoyi Way, Victoria Island, Lagos Nigeria. NWAEZE BENSON, LAGOS. NIGERIA. Prince Owoeye, Lanarkshire ML4 3LU United Kingdom. BABATUNDE LEE, 80 CREEK ROAD, APAPA, LAGOS, NIGERIA 23401. Jeffery Jefferson, 17-19 Garway Road, London W2 4PH. LAURA VROOBELL, Regent St, London, W1B 2HJ, (MoneyGram) Jeffrey Oyoku. 10 Old Obasanjo Road, Abuja, Nigeria. OLA OLARIBIRO, 45 CRAIG STREET, ACCRA, GHANA 00233 RASAQ AJENIFUJA, 45 CRAIG STREET, ACCRA, GHANA 00233 OTUNJI UGOCHUKWU, Nigeria. ANDERSON MARVIN, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM. FELICIA GALANCE, (SKYNET COURIER SERVICE) Lawrence Road, Hounslow Middlesex, TW4 6DR United Kingdom. Jonathan Louise, Suite 110 Station Rd, Edgware. HA8 7JS London. VEREINIGTES KÖNIGREICH. Charles Garwood, London. ABBEY F RUTH, 100 MOGAJI STREET, SURULERE, LAGOS, 23401, NIGERIA. MRS SANDA OWENS, SCARLET COURIER LTD, Link Place, BRIGHTON, Sussex, BN1 7DX, ENGLAND. 10 OLU STR PORTHARCOURT NIGERIA. Elizabeth Henry. 1022 North Old Grey. Maryville. 37801 Tennessee. CHINEDU OBI, LAGOS, NIGERIA. FRANK ASAGWARA. EKKO HOTELS AND SUITE ROOM 6. LAGOS, NIGERIA. Ebosele Festus, Benin, Nigeria. BLAIRE MICHAEL. IMM CCIA PLATEAU ABIDJAN COTE DIVOIRE. (MoneyGram) Althea Lashley, 50 Bruckner Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10454. USA. IBHAZE COLLINS. Nigeria. CALISTUS FELIX EMEKA, Nigeria. Cynthia Fox, United Kingdom. Elizabeth Smith, 8-10 Trinity Road, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX1 2RG England. Jonathan Louise, Suite 110 Station Rd, Edgware. HA8 7JS London. UK . JUDE NDUBUISI, No. 1, Idowu Taylor Street, Victoria Island, Lagos Nigeria. Isaac Ozoemene, Benin Republic. ANAELUTU PETER ANAELUTU, Cotonou - Benin Republic. MARSHALL CHINEDU, LAGOS, NIGERIA. DIKKO JOHN, LAGOS NIGERIA. MARK PETERS, 12, Falmouth House, London United Kingdom SE11 4ET. HENRY CLARK, 3B ENTERPRISE HOUSE, MANCHESTER, GREATER LONDON, M8 5DT, UK. ROSE MICHAEL, OYO, IBADAN, NIGERIA. KPATINVO D. M SIMONE. C 112 YENAWA COTONOU BENIN REPUBLIC. FREDRICK EDEN, 189 BOW ROAD. LONDON E3 2SJ. Okhihie Abel, First Floor, Stirling House, Abuja, Nigeria. JOSEPH DELGADO, HOUSTON, TX 77026. EMMANUEL OBIORAH ALAGWA, COTONOU. REPUBLIC OF BENIN. Mark James. 35A Gloucester Rd, South Kensington, London, SW7 4PL. MARCELLIUNS NWAOZUZU, LAGOS, NIGERIA. THOMAS PHILIP, 6 DADA STREET, IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA. Ginikanwa Udoka Innocent, Cotonou, Benin Republic. DENNIS WILSON, 22 OLUSESI WAY, AGO PALACE WAY, LAGOS NIGERIA. MIKE OBI, 7 BROAD STREET, MARINA, LAGOS NIGERIA. JOHN PETER, Unit 6, Marino Way, Hogwood Lane, Industrial Estate, Finchampstead, Berkshire RG40 4RF London. Mrs. Sandra B. Forde, Accountant Royal Mail, 4 St. Georges Business Centre, St. Georges Square, London EC1Y 8SY. DAMIAN LUKE ANTONIAK, 91 Station Road, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7LT, United Kingdom. Tery Anderson, 56 Union nationa bank wayout (sic). Onyibor Martins Chukwudi, Cotonou - Benin Republic. DAN ROVER. LAGOS. NIGERIA. MISS TONIA ALICA JOY MARCUS, LAGOS STATE. 23401 NIGERIA. JAMES RADIME, SCARLET COURIER COMPANY, UNITED KINGDOM. Sharon Spann, 21 Meadow Avenue, Clinton MD 20735. AMECHI S CHIDOZIE, COTONOU, BENIN REPUBLIC. ANTHONY C. ONWUESI, COTONOU, BENIN. Emeka C Ani, 34 coker street. Lagos Nigeria. HANSEL MBAZI 20, ISHAGA ROAD, NIGERIA. Emily Wallace, London, United Kingdom. (MoneyGram). Chris Duncan, 23 Albert Road, Stratford, East London, United Kingdom. Chukwuemeka Anthony, Benin Republic. Howard Dean, UK LONDON. HOPE WILKINSON, FRASER ROAD, GREENFORD UB6 7AQ UNITED KINGDOM. (MoneyGram) STELLA HENDERSON, GREAT WEST ROAD, BRENTFORD TW8 9HH, UNITED KINGDOM. Richard Stone, TNT Agent, 6 Pages Walk, Bermondsey, London SE1 4SB, United Kingdom. Althea Lashley, 3131 East Tremont Ave. Bronx, New York 10461 USA. OGUNIYI KAYODE. N. F.I AVENUE, V ISLAND, LAGOS, NIGERIA 23401. David Brooks, Mac Royal Hotel And Suites, Victoria island, Lagos, Zip Code: 23401, Nigeria. CHUBBY EKWEOLU, BENIN REPUBLIC. Tonia Alicia Joy Marcus, Lagos. 23401, Nigeria. Stella Ukwumma, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Sally Larson, FSA Tax Office, 44 Hamilton Street, London. Kevin Olumese, Tower 40, Level 35 20 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1HQ. Desmond Ufuoma Okosi, Ikeja, Lagos. Nigeria 2341. Grace John, 16 Rue du Afame, Lome Togo. Roland Blue. Falcon Building, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1045. (MoneyGram) Mrs. Glory Cooker, Mrs. Lisa Cramer, 23 Rufford Court, Hardwick Grange. Woolston, Warrington WAI 4RF, United Kingdom. Bill Atkins, 77 Manor Park, Lewishon Park, Se 13 5ra London, UK. Asana Baka, 123 Lambadi road, Osu, Accra, Ghana. Daniel Cole, London. Ejike Nnamdi, Benin Republic. MBANUGO KINGSLEY, COTONOU, BENIN. SAM ADI, IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA. Chinedu Anunobi, Lagos, Nigeria. Pete Agu, 7 Gluck St, Onike, Lagos, 23401 Nigeria. Marvin George, Unit 11c. Brookfield Industrial Park. Lincoln Road, London, UK. Susan Dempsey, Bellshill Ind Est Bellshill, ML4 3NP, United Kingdom. FREEMAN. K. JOE, JAKARTA, INDONESIA. LARRY HILTON, 20, Park House, London N. W.11 9SL, United Kingdom. Andrew Cole, Cityside House, 40 Adler Street, London, E1 1EE. ONWUKA PRINCE, COTONOU, BENIN REPULIC. Daniel Alan, 20 Clem Road, AKODIRI 22001, PORT NOVO, REPUBLIC OF BENIN. JOHN LOPEZ, 20 HOLLOWOOD ROAD, AKODIRI Zip Code:22001, PORT NOVO, REPUBLIC OF BENIN. Segun Lemo, Bizetlaan 1, Utrecht, NL3533 Holland. CHARLES OBI, LAGOS, NIGERIA. Chika Gavin, plot 124 akeem road, apapa, LAGOS, NIGERIA. Andrew Van Nelson, Ouagadougou, Burkina-Faso. Sarah Sandra Peters, 5-Oke Gada Street, Lagos. MARYLAND, NIGERIA. Aruna Ahmed Olabisi aka Aruna Olabisi Ahmed, 2 Aminu Street, Lagos, MARYLAND, NIGERIA. JENIFER MOORE, LINK HOUSE,1C CHURCH STREET, SW1 5TT, LONDON. OLUFEMI TIJANI, IBADUN b Owen Johnson, Head Office Hambridge Lane Newbury Berkshire RG145TU. Kenneth Miller, 12 roman square, se 24, thamesmed, London. Harry Davids, 65, Woodrow, London, SE18 5DH. Cynthia Smith, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria 23401. DAVE FREDRICK, Rex House, 96 Regent Street, London SW1E 5ER T, United Kingdom. MARKUS UDU, CALCALA DE OPORTO 19, MADRID. SPAIN. Collins Tom, CALCALA DE OPORTO 19, MADRID, SPAIN. BENSON RALPH HANSON, GUANGZHOU, CHINA. Dr. Warth Raymond, 14 Church Road, Brighton and Hove, East Sussex, BN3 2FL. ANDERSON WALTER, 48, ISLINGTON STREET, SAE1 3GH LONDON. Gerald Blair, Unit 11, Ashford Industrial Estate, Shield Road, Ashford, Middx, TW15 1AU, London. PEACE EWUZIE, LAGOS, NIGERIA. MICHAEL ODULAJA, 105 DOLPHIN ESTATE, VISLAND, LAGOS NIGERIA, 23401. Paul Smith, London, UK. Justin Taylor, 17 Oak St, Smithfield, Manchester, United Kingdom. Albert John, London. Sarah Clottey. Accra, Ghana, West Africa, zip code 233. Phillip Stephen, 26 Rodhes crecent, Dakar, Senegal. CASANDRA MIDDLETON, 3611 FALCON COURT, CORPUS CHRISTI 78415 USA. WILLIAMS DAVID, London. Miss Rosemary Winston, 72d CROWNDALE ROAD, LONDON - NW1 1TP, United Kingdom. Willam Anderson, Unit A, Building 3, Marchburn Drive, London. MARKUS UDU, MADRID, SPAIN. Tom Collins, MADRID, SPAIN. NICK SHAW, 42KD Bevan Avenue. Conwy LL28 5AF. John Peterson, Scarlet Courier, 658 Ajax Avenue, Slough Berkshire, SL1 4BG, UK. Micheal Price, Unit 6, Marino Way, Hogwood Lane Industrial Estate, Finchampstead, Berkshire RG40 4RF. (MoneyGram) Ms. TEBATSO SURPRISE MAHARELA, Johannesburg, South Africa. (MoneyGram) USMAN AULIA, JL. LEBAK BULUS NO 47, JAKARTA INDONESIA. Wale Oyefeso. 19 Paul Ave, Ikeja Lagos 23401 Nigeria. Patrick Okoh, Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NL, United Kingdom. GERALD KENNEDY, 6 LOWER CLAPTON ROAD, HACKNEY, LONDON SE1 4JU. JAMES ALLAN, 8 GAFARI BALOGUN STR VI. LAGOS. 234001 NIGERIA. Mrs. Amanda Clayton, 28 Tan Field Road, Croydon, London. Mrs. Rita Howard, 28 Tan Field Road, Croydon, London. Walter Adams, 31-32, Holdorn (sic), City of London, EC1H2HR. Frank Okojie, 45 Agnes Ave, Abuja, Nigeria. Ajayi A. Augustine, Abuja, Nigeria. Becky Williamson, 618 summerhaven, peckham, sn156nh London, United Kingdom. JAMES HARRISON, IKEJA, LAGOS 23401 NIGERIA. ADEDAYO DAVID, IKEJA, LAGOS 23401 NIGERIA. KENECHUKWU IGWE, LAGOS, NIGERIA. TEST QUESTION WHAT FOR. ANSWER FASHION SHOW. OLUGBENGA AWOLOWO, LAGOS, NIGERIA. TEST QUESTION WHAT FOR, ANSWER FASHION SHOW. AIMAKHU SUNDAY, 5 Oghogho Street, Benin city, Edo state, Nigeria. Mrs Frances Hayes, 2q Davidson Avenue, New Royal Park, England. Mrs. Joy Smith, 12 Unit Lambert Ave, London, United Kingdom. COX WHITE, 22, WERWICK SHIRE PATH, DEPTFORD, SE8 4LN LONDON. Smith Collins, Unit 11, Lavisher Road, Leicester, LE4 9LR, London, United Kingdom. Abulu Osi, 23rd Lane, Nicon Estate, Edo, Nigeria 23452. RAYMOND MOORE, STANDARD HOUSE, 3B WEST STREET, SW1 5TT, LONDON ENGLAND. Rock Edgecomb, 12 Ground Floor, Amburst Service, London E8 2BT. David Anderson, 12, Park field, New Cross, London. Samuel Ebosele, Edo Benin Nigeria 23452. Thomas Radebe, Allen Ginsbeg, Bridget Watts, Angela Kay, Nigeria. FRED JOHNSON, 195 Trafalgar Lane, SE10 9EJ London. Serven Anthony, London. Mrs. Justina Francis, 55 Courier Avenue, Manchester, United Kingdom. JAIYESIMI OLASUPO, NO,1 KOLE STREET SABO, SAGAMU, OGUN STATE, NIGERIA 23437. Caleon King, FIELD HOUSE, CHURCH STREET, ST. MARYS, ISLES OF SCILLY, UK, TR21 0JT. Spencer Cole, Lagos, Nigeria. Basil Grecher, London UK. Felicia Brown, Accra, Ghana. Mabel Johnson, Accra, Ghana. Harry Cole, Manor Road, Oxford OX1 3UR, United Kingdom. AIGBOGUN O. COLLINS, 135 Mission Road, Benin City, Nigeria. James Hilton, 71 Lombard Street, CP EC3P 3BS, London Manchester. Großbritannien. Rosemary Dennis, 55 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1BS. RAYMOND IGHILE, FOREST ROAD, MIDDLESEX TW13 7DY UNITED KINGDOM. Chris Peters, Nigeria. Knook Kaiman, Stewart House, 32 Russell Square. London WC1B 5DN. ANDRASZ MALGORZATA, London, England, KT3 3ER. Mary Hayes, London. VICTORIA HANKS, 79 CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON, WC2H UK. HILARY RUNNS, 79 CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON, WC2H UK. Elegbede Adeolu Adefioye. OLAYINKA SHERIFF TEMITOPE. Francis Wellers, London. VEREINIGTES KÖNIGREICH. Austin Ashford, United Kingdom. AKUBUIRO IFEANYI, LAGOS NIGERIA. ANTHONY WOODS, Avenida De America 12 Madrid Branch, Spain. (Moneygram) Petra Howell, St Petersburg, Florida, USA. WORO MOSES, NIGERIA, LAGOS, IKEJA, ZIP CODE. 23401. JULIAN MOORE, 26 ISAAC JOHN STREET. VICTORIA ISLAND, LAGOS, NIGERIA, 23401. Ojerinola Abayomi, 15, Kincaid Road, Peckham, se15 5un London. Aimakhu Sunday, 10 Jolomi Street, Benin city, Edo state, Nigeria. ANDREW LAW. 48, ISLINGTON STREET, SAE1 3GH LONDON. FORTUNE NZOLO, LONDON, UNITED-KINGDOM. (posted 01 Mar 07) JULIAN LAMPARD. 463 BARKING ROAD, LONDON. E15 8PS. ARIREMAKO FATAI AMUSA, Lagos, Nigeria. Lester James, 3 Azikiwe Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. Mac Red, 20 Panama Close, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. Jerry Slacks, 23 Station Rd, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6RT, England. FRANCIS ANYAEGBU, 01 BP 6555 - COTONOU, BENIN-REPUBLIQUE. Morris Henshaw, 33 Catherine Place, London SW1E 6DY. Monica Mendes, Milan. Italien. (MoneyGram) MATHEW BAMBAS, 102 APATA STREET, SHOMOLU, LAGOS, NIGERIA 23401. Emmanuel A Williams, No. 8 Aina Adeyemo Close, Orogun 23402 Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. MARK SMITH, 9 GREEK ROAD, IKOYI, LAGOS, NIGERIA 23401. RISS SMITH, 123 Lambadi road, Osu, Accra, Ghana, West Africa, zip code 233. ENOCH MORRISON, 22 Lambadi street, OSU, Accra, Ghana, West Africa, zip code 233. WALE BRADLEY, 122 MISSEBO ROAD, COTONOU, REPEBLIC (sic) OF BENIN, ZIP CODE 00229. TRIA COLE, 122 MISSEBO ROAD, COTONOU, REPEBLIC OF BENIN, ZIP CODE: 00229. Amanda Burns, 13 kings strand street, London HN2 R1, UK. maria bay, RECIEVERS BLK 241 FLT 3 JAKANDE EST, OKE-AFA, ISOLO, LAGOS 23401. EMMANUEL EMEKA, RUE 12. COTONOU, BENIN REPUBLIC. Chukwuma Onyeka, 3 Osititi street OL, Warri, Delta State, Nigeria. Francis Oghenevwegba, franics4stillyahoo. Pete Roberts, 324 Kensal Road, London W10 5BZ, United Kingdom. James Bowen, 16 White Rd. London SE17 2AS. Morris Henshaw, 33 Catherine Place, SW1E 6DY. London. VEREINIGTES KÖNIGREICH. Herbert Emezi, Lagos - Nigeria. sunmola tijani olanrewaju, 4 Oaoluwa Street, Papa Ashafa agege, lagos, nigeria, 23401. Edward Cole, 55 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1BS. Peter Garry, 12 Ground Floor, Amburst Service, London E8 2BT, United Kingdom. James K. Thornton, 842 Morgan Street, Pulaski, Tennessee 38478. Debra Moore, 842 Morgan Street. Pulaski, Tennessee 38478. Aletor Anthony Peter, 10 ALLEN AVENUE, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. Rose Dixon, 32 Bridge Street, Evesham, UK. EDUN SHOLA ADETAYO, NIGERIA, OGUN STATE, ABEOKUTA 23439. Philip Williams, London. U. K. donavan mew, 1160 rays road stone, mountain. ga 30083. OLO KELVIN AJU, COTONOU, REPUBLIC OF BENIN. PAUL ALLEN, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria 23401. MIKE SMITH. Maryland, Lagos, Nigeria 23401. PETER ELEANYA, COTONOU REP OF BENIN. BELTON TAYLOR, LINK HOUSE, 1C CHURCH STREET, SW1 5TT, LONDON. JOY ASA, 18 ONDO STREET, ASOKORO, ABUJA, NIGERIA. HERBERT EMEZI, LAGOS-NIGERIA. Rose Dixon. 32 Bridge Street Evesham, UK. Smith Sony, 2 Salvation Ave, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria 23401. Mrs. Jessica Williamson, 55 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1BS. MARC BOUDON, LINK HOUSE, 1C CHURCH STREET SW1 5TT, LONDON. Emmanuel Afambu, 511 Garretts Green La, Birmingham, West Midlands, B18 6DA, England. Bettina Watson. Lagos, Nigeria. TOBY MORGAN (TRANSXPRESS COURIER COMPANY). 12 garba avenue, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria. (U. B.A CASH FAST). ZUWE ESU, LAGOS NIGERIA. OPARA OBINNA MARTIN, ACCRA GHANA. Richard Sanni, 14 Allen Ave, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria 23401. David Qanderson, Via Bologna 22, Roma 20144. Italy. John Wembley, 175 Harrow Rd, ab10 6np, Aberden (sic) United Kingdom. Jonathan White, 210 Mcleod road, LONDON, SE2 0ES. Mrs Kelly White, 210 Mcleod road, LONDON, SE2 0ES. Uvwiejemeh John, Lagos - Nigeria. MRS. SARAH RUSLAN, 6, ELVINTON ROAD, COLLINDALE, LONDON NW9 5WB. Robinson Francis, HERENSTRAAT 212, 1012 kk AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS. (MoneyGram) Saheed Olatunde, P. O. Box 720, 19-21 Broad Street, St. Helier, Jersey JE4 0QB, United Kingdom. Richard Dyer, Catford, London SE6 3QU, United Kingdom. UCHECHUKWU GODWIN ONUOHA, NIGERIA. VANESSA TAYLOR, 225 Eastcote Lane, South Harrow, Middlesex, HA2 8RR. PRINCILLA AMAMOO, P. O.BOXNT41 ACCRA, GHANA, WEST AFRICA 00233. KELLY ACQUAH, P. O.BOX 23 ACCRA, GHANA. Tony James, Threadneedle Street, London EC2R 8AH. UNEH CHIMA, NIGERIA. Alex Edward 65, Woodrow, London, SE18 5DH England. Robinson Francis, HERENSTRAAT 212. 1012 kk AMSTERDAM, NETHERLAND, (MoneyGram). MRS ROSEMARY ENDAN, Unit B3, Kingsland Close, London, United Kingdom. Darlin Anderson, 3.3 Cabot Square, Queens Avenue, London, United Kingdom. CARLA ANDERTON, London, uk. DANIEL STEVENSON, 90 Howard Street, Oxford. OX4 3BE, UK. Dr TRENOU CHARLES BP 1110, Lome 25, RUE NYEKONAKPOE, TOGO, West Africa. MARTINS MOORE, LINK HOUSE,1C CHURCH STREET, SW1 5TT, LONDON. MAC WILLIAMS, 107 BUCKINGHAM PALACE ROAD, VICTORIA, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM. Opara Kelechi, Lagos state, Nigeria. Mariam Kone, Cote Divoire, Abidjan. EDWIN MOORE, LINK HOUSE, 1C CHURCH STREET SW1 5TT, LONDON. SABURI TAIWO, 22, WERWICK SHIRE PATH, DEPTFORD. SE8 4LN, LONDON. MICHEAL BOND, STAMFORD BRIDGE, LONDON SW1V 3DW, UNITED KINGDOM. Linda Williams, Cumberland House, 80 Scrubs Lane, London. (Money Gram). Christopher Benson, 49 Lodge Lane, Grays, Essex, RM17 5RZ, United Kingdom. Rose Dixon, 32 Bridge Street, Evesham, UK. susan wales, 17 kings lane, london, n1 9uz. Lisa. M. Adeola 9 Akerele street, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria. Philip Cladic, 3 St. AndrewS House, Vernon Gate, Derby, DE1 1UJ, United Kingdom. Dorothy Dales, Argonaut House, Galleymead Road, Colnbrook, Berkshire, SL3 0EN. Keliv Enoch, 13 Church Street, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. DANIEL UZOR UDOGWU, 902 ALEN AVENUE, IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA. PAMELA BOSMAN, 24 HAZEL WAY, CHINGFORD, LONDON E94RP. Bassy Nicolas, 39 Oba Akinyele AV, Oluyole Ind Estate Ring Road, Ibadan, Oyo, 23402 Nigeria. James Deegan, Dacula. georgia, usa 30019. JONES SMITH, LINK HOUSE, 1C CHURCH STREET, SW1 5TT, LONDON. STEPHEN BETT, 16 Jinnah Close, Manchester, United kingdom. Charles Calwyn, Brooklyn, New York, U S A. MARTINS GABRIEL, 354, KINGS PARK ROAD, LONDON. E15 8PS. WILLIAM MONROE, GRIFFITH, INDIANA, 46319. Collins C. Odenigwe, 22 abbots rd. e6 1lf london. OZIEGBE HELEN (MRS) DAAWIJK 100c, POST CODE 1102RL AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS. (MoneyGram) Chris Wilson, London, England. Steven Darlington, 91 Station Road, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7LT. Simmy Daniels, 75, Balogun Street, Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria, 23401. Sarah Hawkins, 11 Tavington Road, Halewood, Liverpool L266BA, England. UGBO MICHAEL EMEKA, 144 AVENUE DU 24 JANVIER, LOME TOGO. OLAYINKA AKANDE, 67 MAILER RD. LAGOS, NIGERIA. OLAYINKA SOMOYE, 244 AIRPORT RD. LAGOS, NIGERIA. Olusegun Mike, Lot 12 Rue de Colomb Avenue, Deux Plateau Abidjan, CotedIvoire. OLAOMOPO KOLAWOLE, LONDON, SE11 0JA, England. Dennis Peterson, PO Box 90.1 Market Street. BD1 1EG England. Susan Edu, BEKER DUR COMMERCE 8, 2000 BELGIUM. PHILIP ASAPUO, COTONUO, BENIN REP. JAMES HAMMILTON, Unit 6, Marino Way, Hogwood Lane Industrial Estate, Finchampstead, London. Mrs Susan Smith, London. OZIEGBE HELEN (MRS). DAAWIJK 100c, POST CODE 1102RL AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS. Frank Douglas, 14 IKOYI ROAD, IKEJA, LAGOS, 23401 NIGERIA. James Edward, Wilson Road, Blackley M9 8BG, Manchester, United Kingdom. Barr. Edward Akajuba, 48 Avenue Lamine Gueye. Dakar, Senegal. TATYANA OLEYNIKOWA, Kirova STREET, 32, FLAT 87, MOSCOW, RUSSIA, 105384. Monica Bread, Unit 11c Brookfield Industrial Park, Lincoln Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE4 6LA. Smith Clark, 100 Harkfort, Post code 1102LA, The Netherlands. FEMI THOMPSON, ILESA, OSUN, NIGERIA 23401. Philip O. Omorodion, Plot 1279 Diplomatic Drive, Central District Area, Abuja, NG WEST AFRICA. IKE ISAAC, COTONOU. Mike David, Crampton Way, Manor Royal. Crawley RH10 9EE London UK. BASIL PATRICK, 20A OHAOZARA ALADINMA, Owerri, lmo, Nigeria. Roger Johnson, 7 Adesina st Ikeja Lagos Nigeria 23401. Peter Robinson, Maryland, Lagos, Nigeria 23401. JAMES JAMIU OLUKOTUN, 1009 ALEN AVENUE RD. IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA. Philip Aliker, 2-5 Warwick Court, London WC1R 5DJ. LISA FORD. Webustaat 34 1104 Tg. Amsterdam Netherlands. YouQing Li. 6-808 JinSongDongKou, FangYuanLi, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100012, China. NZOLO FORTUNE, 28 BUSH BANK STREET, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM. Marcus Branson, 107 BUCKINGHAM PALACE ROAD, VICTORIA, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM. WISDOM OGBONNA, PORT HARCOURT, NIGERIA. ELIZABETH BOOTH, Rovex House, Hay Hall Rd. Tyseley, Birmingham, B11 2AG England. JAMES MAGNUS, 75 BROAD STREET, LAGOS, NIGERIA 23401. REGINALD OKPOBOR, Accra, Ghana. MARTINS ANUCHOGU, COTONOU REPUBLIC OF BENIN. ROSA KWAME, DIERA, DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (UAE). Ms. Magaret. Howard, 2nd Floor, 2-12 Pentonville Road, London N1 9HF, UK. DOUGLAS FISHER, SOUTH LONDON FINANCIAL MANAGERS, 58 GRENVILLE ROAD CHAFFORD HUNDRED RM16 6BQ ESSEX, LONDON. Peter Scott, Bijlmerplein 129, Amsterdam, Netherlands. JOHN KELLY, KLIMOPSTRAAT 34. 1156 HT, DEN-HAAG THE NETHERLANDS. (MoneyGram) Nick Edward, 2 Bevan Avenue, Conwy LL28 5AF, London HARLEY DAVEY, Madrid, Spain. James Deegan, Dacula, georgia, usa, 30019. Samuel Okorie, Lagos, Nigeria . John Ike. Lagos, Nigeria . Dienye Asita. Inland Platinum Express Lane, London. Dr. Kristal Moore, GBB health research center, po box 6019, douala littoral, cameroon, po box 237. Mrs. Elizabeth Booth, 8th Floor Sea Containers, House 20 Upper Ground London SE1 9PD, England. DAVID PRINCE JAMES, LOME TOGO. Elizabirth. Booth. London. England. Andy Howard, 2 Varne Court, The Riviera Sandgate, Folkestone, Kent, Hampshire, Ct20 3su, London. LAURA PABLO, 365 KINGS WAY ROAD, IKOYI, LAGOS 23401, NIGERIA. DOROTHY SKIDD, 24 ARENA AVE, IKEJA, LAGOS 23401, NIGERIA. GERALD ONUOHA CHIDI, IMO STATE, NIGERIA. Chuma Aguago. Lagos, Nigeria. Omoba Raymond, 23 Daleko road, 23401 Lagos, Nigeria. KIMBERLY GEORGE, NO 1 JERMYN STREET, LONDON SW1Y 4UH. Kelvin Duncan, 2 Bevan Avenue, Conwy LL28 5AF, London (sic). OBASUYI UYIOSA DICKSON, 142 UGBOWO LAGOS RD, BENIN, EDO, NIGERIA. Ateli Micheal, 20 Akpakpa Rout, Cotonou, Benin Republic. EDE-OBAROGIE GOODLUCK EDEOBA, BARRISTER BRIGHT LUKE AND SONS CHAMBERS, ABUJA, NIGERIA. THOMAS WAYNE, 10, RIVERMEAD HOUSE, HOMERTON, LONDON E9 5QT. James Peter, Mijtenstraat 175, 2526 VC, Den-Haag, Netherlands (MoneyGram) Mrs. Sarah Pull, 11 Tavington Road, Halewood, Liverpool L266BA. EME JOHNSON, CITI BANK INTERNATIONAL, DUSSELDORF, GERMANY. Andrew Derman, 22 Bryanston Street, London Uk. TOM MORRE, 33 WEST BROUND AVENUE, LONDON EC4, ENGLAND. William Simon, Elite Worldwide, Hartland Close, Slough Berkshire SL1 3XT. Nicholas Uka, 8 tweedale court, clays Lane, London E15 2EH. Donald Nduka, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Chimezie P. Uwakwe, Lagos-Nigeria. SIM MCDAVIDSON co MORU TAIYE, LILIBETH HOUSE, No. 3 OKARAVERO CLOSE, OFF UWASOTA ROAD, BENIN CITY, NIGERIA. (address for delivery). KELLY JONES, 45 VICTORY STREET, APAPA, LAGOS, 23401, NIGERIA. DENICK MURPHY, 23 DRIVE VICTORY STREET, IKEJA, LAGOS, 23401 NIGERIA. Banjamin Martins, 35 Dove street, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria, 23401. LEWIS UWADIA, 17 ITIRE RD, SURULERE, LAGOS, NIGERIA. PETER SAMUEL, 22,2637SC DEN HOORN DELFT, NETHERLANDS. DOTUN SAVAGE, 23 WESTERN AVENUE SURULERE, LAGOS NIGERIA 23401. LINDA JAMES, Unit 63, Evens Business Center, Belgrave Street, Bellshill Ind Est Bellshill, ML4 3NP London United KingDom. DAVID RAYMOND TRUJILO was Larry Glady Andrew. VICKER TAYLOR, Klaiburg 147, 1104 PM Amsterdam, The Netherlands. CRISTINO MATHEW. Unit 6, Marino Way, Hogwood Lane Industrial Estate, Finchampstead, Berkshire RG40 4RF. Davies Philips, 35f silchester drive monsall M40 8NT Manchester, United Kingdom. Roberto Nelson Da Silva, 41, Hazeldon Road, SE14 2DD LONDON. Paul Gate, FedEx House, Unit A, Building 3, Marchburn Drive, Glasgow Airport Business Park, Dundee, Paisley, PA3 2PJ, United Kingdom. Jack Taylor, 35f silchester drive, Monsall m40 8nt. Manchester, United kingdom. GERALD BALIR, Elite World Wide Hart Land Close Slough Berkshire sl 13xt United Kingdom. ANACHUNAM CHUKWUEBUKA, 20 JONQUET ROUTE, COTONOU, BENIN REPUBLIC. Jonny Maller, 30 steelstown road, derry, United Kingom. Magaret Howard. 12 ABBOT PARK ROAD SE2 1EP, LONDON. SEUN AKIN, Surulere, Lagos, 23401 Nigeria. DESMOND BABS, Surulere, Lagos 23401, Nigeria. Dienye Asita, SWIFT HOUSE, Hambridge Lane, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5TU London. ANACHUNAM CHUKWUEBUKA, 20 JONQUET ROUTE, COTONOU, BENIN REPUBLIC. STANLEY NWOYE, COTONOU, BENIN. Jack Taylor, 35f silchester drive, Monsall m40 8nt, Manchester, United kingdom. (MoneyGram) RUTH AGBEDOR, 250 BOULVARD D COCODY, ABIDJAN, COTE DIVOIRE, WEST AFRICA. Moyo Adams, 2 Donio St, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria, 23401. Simmy Swaffor, 25,Cole Street, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria, 23401. Keliv Enoch, 122 western avenue, Lagos, Ikeja, Nigeria 23401. Patrick okoh. London. Ian Anderson, 107 BUCKINGHAM PALACE ROAD, VICTORIA, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM. MARRY (sic) GEORGE, 45, KENT ROAD, LONDON, BRITAIN. ADRIAN MALINEANU, LESIILE NR.17 BUCURESTI, 1010 ROMANIA. Christofer Giovanni, Pall Mall, London, UK. Lance Gordon, London, UK. Perpetua C. Emenike, Nigeria, Lagos 23401. CONRAD CHANG, 66 Queens Road, Peckham SE15 2EP LONDON. JORGINA DUNCAN, 1027 Bond Street, Suite 300 London, NW6 4NY. Charles Bromi, Liverpool. VICTOR MAXWELL, RUSSELL SQUARE HOUSE 15-17, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON, WC1B 5EH. ANTHONY OREKIE, 18 AYO ALABI STREET, IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA zip code: 23401. JOHN UCHE, LAGOS, NIGERIA. RICHARD COLE, Maryland, Lagos, Nigeria. DANIELLE SPENCER, Maryland, Lagos, Nigeria 23401. DESMOND DAVID JUDE, AGEGE, NIGERIA (MONEYGRAM). Jack Taylor, 35f silchester drive, Monsall m40 8nt. Manchester, United kingdom (MoneyGram). ALABI OLATUNDE, 41 South Audley Street, Mayfair, London W1Y 4DH, UK (MoneyGram) FRANK ALEG, CERAMPLEIN 74,1095BZ, AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS. Edward Reid, Richmond House, Broad Street, Ely, CB7 5UB, london. U. K. Thomas Watson, Station Road, West Drayton, Middlesex UB77LT. TRACY AROGUNDADE, LAGOS, NIGERIA 23401. MARCUS WEST, 10, OVERY HOUSE, WEDDER LONDON SEI8QX, U. K. JULIET EZEAMA, Nigeria. Pamela Kanayo, Ikeja. Lagos. Nigeria, Zip: - 23401. Moshood Lawal, agege, Lagos, Nigeria. Ogunbiyi Joshua Jide, Agege, Lagos State, Nigeria . Kara Brown, Ikeja. Lagos. Nigeria. Zip: - 23401. Mathew Omeh, 10 Acme road, Accra, Ghana, Zipcode: 233. AUSTIN MORGAN, 463 BARKING ROAD, LONDON E15 8PS, ENGLAND. Raymond Jenkins. 82 silverdale street, manchester m11 1et UK. Silas Smith, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. gerrard shaw, 909 alta vista hista house, calderwood street, london SE18 6JF. Morris Obiora Diera, Dubai UAE. Donald Tyler, 2q Davidson Avenue, New Royal Park, England. Omonzokpia Paul, Block 23, Nicon Estate Benin City, Edo, Nigeria. George Cole, 7Q Hay Hall Road, Rovex House, Tyseley, Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM. STEPHEN ADEDOYIN, PLOT 102 OYO STR, ABUJA 23401 NIGERIA. IANGBA RICHARD ATE, PLOT 102 OYO STR, ABUJA 23401 NIGERIA. KENECHUKWU IGWE, LAGOS, NIGERIA. MARIA M. HUSEIN, 098 Straight moonw way, London, NR21 8PH. Jennifer Aziza, Nigeria. Amechi Colvis, Nigeria. David Dudu, 31 Anconna road, plumstead SE18 1AF LONDON. Anthony Egbe, Mafoluku Oshodi, Lagos, 23401 Nigeria. Sherry Hinkle, Red lion, PA. 17356, USA. Rodriguez Carloni, 172 Ayres Road, Manchester. Lancashire. M16 7QT, United Kingdom. Peter carr, Osmondthorpe, Leeds LS90LL. TRAVIS BAKER, LAGOS, NIGERIA 23401. Justin Case, 31 Sackville Street London W1S 3DZ. PETER SMITH, 11 NORTHAMPTON STREET, LONDON N1 2HY, UNITED KINGDOM. JAMES PORTMANN, 11 NORTHAMPTON STREET, LONDON N1 2HY, UNITED KINGDOM (MoneyGram). COLEMAN KELVIN, 62 peckham rye, peckham, london. Emeka Amadi, 5 Soremekun Street, Anfani - Ibadan. Nigeria. OLUMUYIDE ROTIMI. IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA, 23401. Victory Tammer, 7th Floor, Horseferry House Dean Ryles Street, London SW. ADEBAYO FEMI, 14 RANDDLE AVENUE, SURULERE, LAGOS NIGERIA 23401. Dennis Murhen, 12 ABBOT PARK ROAD SE2 1EP, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM. Rachel Jones, 20 adeola hopewell, Victoria Island, 23401, Lagos, Nigeria . Powell Green, 42, St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YE United Kingdom. CHIBUZO EGEJURU, 13 OGUN STREET, AREA I, GARKI, ABUJA-FCT, NIGERIA. Giles Davenport, Whitfield Street, London W1T 2RJ. JOHN SMITH, 23 WINDERMER CLOSE, MANCHESTER M112AF, UNITED KINGDOM. Steven Williams, London, United Kingdom. COLLINS JASON, 17 ABEL HOUSE, PLUMSTEAD ROAD, LONDON, UK, SE18 7DG. SAM FENDI, 17 ABEL HOUSE, PLUMSTEAD ROAD. LONDON, UK SE18 7DG. Paul Gate, FedEx House, Unit A, Building 3, Marchburn Drive, Glasgow Airport Business Park, Paisley PA3 2PJ. FERDINAND DANIEL, 112 High Holborn, London WC1V 6JS, U. K. Williams Oscar Vivic, 137 Oldham Street, Manchester, M4 1LN. Emeka Amadi, 5 Soremekun Street, Anfani - Ibadan. Nigeria. Benjamin Collins, 7 akoka road, akoka, lagos. 23401 nigeria. MALCOLM WILLIAMSON, Link Place, BRIGHTON, Sussex, BN1 7DX, ENGLAND. Gianni Carloti, 201 Barlow Road. Manchester. Lancashire. M19 3HH, United Kingdom. Gabrielo Ustino, 201 Barlow Road, Manchester. Lancashire. M19 3HH. Emmanuel James Owen, 60 Bodija Avenue, Ibadan, Oyo-state, Nigeria, 23402. Donald Nduka, 145F, Oknha Men (St. 200) 12208 Phnom Penh, Cambodia. SHOLA OLUWASHEWU, NIGERIA. AKEEM BELLO AJIDE, ALIMOSHO, LAGOS STATE, 23401, NIGERIA. Nwafeh Fabian Nnamdi, Cotonuo. Benin Republic. RASHIDA ADEBAYO, 2 ALLEN AVE, IKEJA, LAGOS. NIGERIA 23401. TEMITOPE ADEBOLA, 2 ALLEN AVE, IKEJA, LAGOS. NIGERIA 23401. Cezar Mopiti, 201 Barlow Road. Manchester. Lancashire. M19 3HH. ADEYINKA ALABI, NIGERIA, STATE:LAGOS, ZIP CODE: 23401. Nwafeh Fabian Nnamdi, Cotonuo. Benin Republic. WILLIAM THOMPSON, 197, XIAO BEI LU, GUANGZHOU, CHINA. (DR) BAR. EWA ANTHONY, NO. 53 LEOPOLD SEDAR SENGHOR AIRPORT WAY, DAKAR, SENEGAL. Abimbola Williams, 25 Moshood street, Ketu, Nigeria, 23401. ANDY SMITH, 25 WOOLWICH HIGH STREET SE15 1EA, LONDON, UK. RABIU BISSIE UBAH, BP 11 MARCORY 11 ZONE 4, ABIDJAN, COTE D IVOIRE. Dele Martins, 10 toyin street, Ikeja, Lagos, 23401, Nigeria. JOSEPH DAYO, 10 JOSEPH ROAD. IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA 23401. Harra Godson, 8 Allen Avenue, Lagos, Nigeria. BOMI ADESHOLA, 200 PARKVIEW LANE, SURULERE. LAGOS, NIGERIA - 23401. ADEYINKA OLADEJI WILLIAMS, PLOT 7 COMMONWEALTH AVENUE, V. I. LAGOS, NIGERIA - 23401. GRACE GREENBEG, 7 Dock way, Sefton Business Park, London, T40 4RT, United Kingdom. Opute Sylvester, 212 Martins RD, Ikeja, Lagos 23401 NIGERIA. GODEY SMITH, Platinum Express Lane, Amsterdam Netherlands. KWEKU COLLINS, ACCRA, GHANA. AMADIEGWU JOHN U. 20 COMMISSIONER STREET, CARLTON CENTER, JOHANNESBURG 2001 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. Yemi Agbo, Birmigham UK. JOSEPH DAYO, 10 JOSEPH ROAD. IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA 23401. Tosin Seweje, Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria 23401. CHUKS FRANCIS EMEKA. COTONOU. BENIN. Fabian Bowel, 5-8 Abbey Orchard Street, Westminster, SW1P 2JJ, United Kingdom. Billy Southgate, 78 Marylebone High Street, London, W1U 5AP, United Kingdom. Martin Spencer, 8th Floor, Sea Containers House, 20 Upper Ground, London, SE1 9PD. Rev Kimberly Mann, Kings Royal Ophanage home, Douala, Litoral province, Cameroon 00237. Nomzy Alex, 477 Ontario St Kingston, ON, Canada. EMMANUEL YAWSON, PO. BOX 33071, ACCRA, GHANA. James Onokpasa, ELITE EXPRESS COURIERS, 105 SWIFT HOUSE, LORD LUGARD RD, VICTORIA ISLAND, LAGOS. Richard Morris, Lagos, Nigeria. AGYEMANG JOEL, Street 6, Deira, Dubai U. A.E. John Ardolino, 250 Regent Street, PO Box 4RY, LONDON W1A 4RY. HELEN LANCE, 43 north end road, west Kensington, London w148sz. Charmaine Wright, 10 Duke St. Jamaica, West Indies. HALIN URAIH, PLAZA OROVILLA 45-3B, 28830, MADRID, SPAIN. Walter Freeman, R hostel appt2 1060 Bruxelles, Belgium. DAVID VAUGHAN, 5th Floor, Camsdon House, W4 2MA, London, UK. Ramon Maxwell, 27,Church Street, Lagos, Nigeria 23401. Curtis Andrew, 23 johnson avenue, London. Tayo Roland, 20 Parkview road, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. Kelvin Marshall, Unit 11c, Brookfield Industrial Park, Lincoln Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK. Mrs Princess Duke, 28 TANFIELD ROAD, CROYDON, LONDON. EROMON SAMUEL, LAGOS, NIGERIA. Michelle Kitson, 3 meadow Lane, Roberttown, Liversedge, West Yorkshire WF 15 7QD. Lynn Case, Ikeja, Lagos, 23401, Nigeria. BAR SHERIFF AZEEZ, NO, 50 GUEYE CLOSE, NORD FOIR, DAKAR, SENEGAL. Danes Ledger, 49 Featherstone Street, LONDON EC1Y 8SY, UNITED KINGDOM. DAVID NJOKU. 147 ROYCE STREET, OWERRI, NIGERIA. KINGSLEY NWOSU, LAGOS, NIGERIA. Clarence Page, 14 Queensgate road, GL7 4Z, London, England, United Kingdom. Jane Littlewood, 51 Douglas Avenue. Watford. Hertfordshire WD24 7LU. Mark Owoh, 05 bp palas hotel, cotonou, Republic of Benin. GODEY SMITH, Platinum Express Lane, Amsterdam Netherlands. PAUL FRANCIS MARTINS, ARNHEMPLEIN 25, 1324 AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS. peter king, 74 George lane, Lewisham CBQ6 Sw1, London. FLORENCE ADEDE. 45 ELMDENE RD, WOOLICH, SE186TZ LONDON. OLUGBENGA AWOLOWO, LAGOS, NIGERIA. PAUL MORRISON, 5625 CLARENDON RD, BROOKLYN, NY 11203. SUSAN MORRISON, 5625 CLARENDON RD, BROOKLYN, NY 11203. Karen Howells, 32 Bridge Street, Evesham, UK. JACOB MILLER, 1I3 Kleiburg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Michael Cole, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Derrick Lafonte, 3210 Windover Ave, Ottawa Canada H3W 2Y5 (MoneyGram) KONYEME FAVOUR, GUANGZHOU, CHINA. MATHEW GARDNER, 67 Straight month RD, London NR21 8PH. Christopher George, Units 3A amp 3B, Olympic Way, Sefton Business Park, L30 1RD, UNITED KINGDOM. Douglas Fisher, GRENVILLE ROAD, CHAFFORD HUNDRED RM16 6BQ ESSEX, LONDON. (sic) ADEOSUN OSUNK UNLE, 15 MOBOLAJI BANK, ANTHONY WAY, IKEJA, LAGOS, 23401, NIGERIA. STEPHEN CHUKWU, LAGOS, NIGERIA. NICOLLE JIDE, 8 JOHNSON STREET, VICTORIA GARDEN, LAGOS, NIGERIA 23401. MRS ESTHER BANKOLE, ACC Tower 25 Level 7,Old Broad street, London W1B 1JL, United Kingdom. PAUL FRANCIS MARTINS, ARNHEMPLEIN 25, 1324 AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS. Akanbi olabisi, 52 brown street, lagos, Nigeria 23401. Mark Brown, 20 spring well avenue, nw 10 2hn London. Olatunji yusuff segun. 77 manor park, lewisham, se13 5ra, london. Robert Wright, 58 tunmarsh lane, plaistow, E13 9NF, LONDON UK. Newton Mere, 20 Bode Thomas Street, Lagos-Nigeria. IAN WILSON. LONDON. TAYLOR SENCANOR, ACCRA, GHANA, WEST AFRICA. OLARINMOYE SEINDE, 38 FLOWER ROAD, LORIN, KWARA STATE, NIGERIA, ZIP 240001. John Bura, FedEx House, Unit A, Building 3, Marchburn Drive, Glasgow Airport Business Park, Paisley PA3 2PJ. OLU JAMES, 205 ADEBOLA STREET, IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA. FRANCIS ADU. 22 TOYIN STREET, IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA 23401. DAVID VAUGHAN, LINK HOUSE, 1C CHURCH STREET, WHITECHURCH, HANTS, RG28 7AD, ENGLAND. Blake wilson, 586 high road, wembley HA0 2AA, London. STEFAN LLOYD, Unit 3c, Woodlands Farm, Blacknest Road, Blacknest, Alton, Hants GU34 4QB, United Kingdom. BAR (DR) MARTINS CAMARA, EQUITY LAW CHAMBERS, 23 AVE GEORGES, DAKAR, SENEGAL. Marabell Russell, Building 247, Esher Crescent, Heathrow Airport, London, Hounslow, Middlesex TW6 2EH. VINCE THOMPSON, New Cross Road, Bromley, London. Robert Allan, Building 219, Epsom Square, London, England. ERIC SERMON, 135 COMMERCIAL STREET, EC2M 3UR, LONDON. Marie Renee, 12 Park street. Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1HX England. BENSON LOVINSIN, Torrejon de ardoz, 38750 MADRID, Spain. smithwilliams, 5 Mobolaji Bank, Anthony Way, Maryland, Nigeria. Sharon Eze, 20 Baruwa Street. Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria 23401. SIMPSON PAUL, 49 LODGE LANE, DUBLIN, IRELAND. DANIEL OJEI, ABUJA. NIGERIA. DENNIS MUHREN, 16, GUILFORD STREET, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM. VICTOR MAXWELL, LONDON, UK. Shuan Amstrong, Herengracht 450 1017 CA. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. MARRI LUIS, PLAZA DE TORRES, E-28631, BARCELONA, SPAIN. Curtis Affleck, 21 College road, ikeja, lagos, Nigeria 23401. Williams Page, 135 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3UR, ENGLAND. Doris Miller, 7 Simpson Hotel Rd. Ikeja, Lagos Nigeria. Steven Wallace, London. Victoria Efe Eigbire Molen, Nigeria. Powell Green, 10 Larch Close, London. Curtis Affleck, 21 College road, ikeja, lagos, nigeria 23401. Esther Bankole, West Drayton, Middlesex. Danny Watkins, 156A southhampton row, London, WC1B 5AR, UK and 60-66 Wardour St. London, W1V3HP, UK. EMEKA E. OZOEMENA, FNB HOUSE, 578B Bank Road, Rumuigbo Abuja, Nigeria. Anderson Lindsay, Holland, Netherland. Michael O. Nnatuanya, Cotonou, Benin Republic. Juninio Stompa. 112 Ayres Road. Manchester. Lancashire M16 7QT, United Kingdom. Henry Jackson, 463 Barking Road, London, E13 8PS. Olu Davis, 123 Iceland Avenue, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria 23401. GCOTYELWA MASIZA, 31 BRIXTON COURT, CARLTON, EASTGATE, JOHANNESBURG 2001. DAWN CRYSLER, 677 COUGAR RIDGE DR SW CALGARY, AB T3H 5J2 CANADA. CHRIS PERRY, 226 8 AVE SW CALGARY, AB T2P 1B5 CANADA. Tokunbo Williams, 17, Turks road, Radcliffe, manchester m26 4py. Tony Smith, 463 Barking Rd, London E 18 8ps, England. DAVID TURNER, NATIONAL SPEED DELIVERY, 45 ELMDENE RD WOOLICH, SE186TZ LONDON. RAYMOND JERKINS. 5 HOWARD ROAD. BAKING (sic). IG11 7UA, LONDON, ENGLAND. BURNS LEONARD, 46 kNIGHTSBRIDGE ROAD, MANCHESTER M8 0AA, UNITED KINGDOM. Helen Obasuyi, 26 York Street, London W1As. Anita Davies, 91 Station Road, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7LT, United Kingdom. Musbau Okunubi, 5 kings Way road. Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria 23401. Micheal osazuwa, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria, 23401. MARIE RENEE, Unit 11c, Brookfield Industrial Park, Lincoln Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire. David Pollner, Helvetiastrasse 15, () London S2 FR3, United Kingdom. VICTOR MAXWELL, RUSSELL SQUARE HOUSE 15-17, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON, WC1B 5EH. ABE MAYOWA OLATUNDE, lagos, nigeria. DAVID FRANK, VIA KENNDY 43, 46043 CASTIGLIONE DELLE STILVE, MANTOVA ITALY. FRANK ANDERSON, 642 HIGH ROAD, LONDON, E11 4HH. Tom Sandlers, Clark Peterson, Edgar Owens, Thomas Watson, West Drayton, London. Francisco Eleti, 112 Ayres Road. Manchester. Lancashire. M16 7QT. Kuti Oluwatobi, No 2 Association Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. Coleman Kelvin, Kelvin Coleman, United Kingdom, London. NWABIA TONY OBINNA, C141 MISSEBO COTONOU, COTONOU, BENIN REPUBLIC. Theodore Chigozie Oguike, Lagos, Nigeria. DENNIS MUHREN, 16, GUILFORD STREET, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM. CHUKWURAH UDOJI JOSEPH, COTONOU, BENIN REPUBLIC. GEORGE EDWINS, LAGOS, NIGERIA. PAUL JACOB, IKEJA STATE, LAGOS, NIGERIA. MATHEW JOHNSON, LONDON. Esther Bankole, West Drayton, Middlesex, London, United Kingdom. John Sinclair, Building 219, Epsom Square, Heathrow Airport, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW6 2DG. Mark Bridge, Building 219, Epsom Square, Heathrow Airport, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW6 2DG. Anthony N. Nnaluo, 17 Ogba Road, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. Frank Anderson, 8B Limeharbour Str, London E14 9NQ. ANTHONY UDEH, C4 Avenue Jerico, Cotonou, Benin Republic. Innocent. O. Solomon, Lagos, Nigeria. LISSA OMOTAYO, 20, MARYLAND ROAD, IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA. OKEREKE CHINWENDU CYPRIAN, NIGERIA. LONGE PETER, 25 PALM AVENUE, MUSHIN, LAGOS, NIGERIA 23401. SEBANJO REMILEKUN, IJEBU-ODE. 23437, OGUN STATE, NIGERIA BRIANNA SMART, COTONOU, REPUBLIC OF BENIN. Cesato Bottacelli, (201 Barlow Road, Manchester. Lancashire. M19 3HH. TONY ADEGBESAN, LONDON, UK. ROLAND CHIMEZIE, LAGOS, NIGERIA. DIASO IMODE AUGUSTINE, 27 WILMER CRESENT, APAPA, LAGOS, NIGERIA. Mathew Cristino, 16, High Street, Manchester, United Kingdom. (MoneyGram) Martin Luther Fiadjoe, 25 contton ave. Accra, Ghana, west africa. Lawal Olakunle Rafiu, Nigeria. OLUJIMI MICHAEL, 45 WESTERN AVENUE, SURULERE, LAGOS, 23401, NIGERIA. GUNMOWO OLATUNDE, 14 APPLE STREET. LAGOS. NIGERIA, ZIP CODE: 23401. Lawal Olafemi, Ibadan, Oyo State 23402, Nigeria. Ajani Oluwaseyi Sunday, No.27 W. O Lawal St. Ring Rd, Ibadan, Oyo State 234 02, Nigeria. Paul Solomon, 12 Ford Park Road, Se2 1ep, London. BOBBY OMOZUSI, DK-143 Cronewell Manchester, England. NIGEL WILLIAM, 78 ALCESTER ROAD, MOSELEY, BIRMINGHAM B13 8BB, LONDON. UK. CARLO SCHMIDT. 150 BARKING ROAD, LONDON. E16 1EN, UNITED KINGDOM. Alliance Leicester, 49 Kirkgate, Bradford, UK. AYOOLA ADEBISI OBANLEOWO, 10,NEWHAVEN RD. SOUTH NORWOOD, LONDON SE25 6JQ. SANDRA FLOWERS, 43 Valley Way, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR21 8PH, East Midlands, England. Jenny Patrick, London, U. K. (MoneyGram). JOSEPH LAWRENCE, Blenheim Tower Westerdoksdijk 40 1013 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands. IAN ANDERSON, 107 BUCKINGHAM PALACE ROAD, VICTORIA, LONDON. GILBERT AMADI. LAGOS, NIGERIA. DENNIS MUHREN, 16, GUILFORD STREET, LONDON. MAXWELL OBI DURUAKU, 3 OKIGWE ROAD, OWERRI, NIGERIA. Steve Wallace, 11 CYPRESS CLOSE, EVESHAM, WORCS, WR11 1YX, LONDON. Chris Yoosefi, 112 Allen Avenue, Victoria Island, Nigeria (MoneyGram) KENNETH GODWIN, Rovex House, Hay Hall Rd. Tyseley, Birmingham B11 2AG, England. Peter O. Igweze, Akpakpa-Cotonou, BENIN REPUNLIC (sic). BOB SHERICK, 13,GENESIS STREET, IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA, 23401. BRIAN MONROE, 18 Kings Road, London SW3 5EN. FRANK CHUKWURAH, LAGOS, NIGERIA. Akinwale Fatai Olumegbon, 20 Bamgboye Street Off Allen Avenue, Ikeja Lagos Nigeria. Eromon Samuel, 125, Sapele road, Benin city, Nigeria, Zip code: 23452. Adedayo Adekunle, Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria. Kathleen Nadeau, 3 Soile street, Iju Agege, Lagos, Nigeria 23401. Steve Stammers, 84, Handen Road, Lee, London, SE128NR, England. Betty White, Lower Richmond Rd, Putney, London, SW15 1JP, ENGLAND. Prince Hamilton Okere, 11 MOSAFEJO STREET, ALABA, LAGOS, NIGERIA. Mike Kelvin, IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA, 23401. FRANK CHUKWURAH, LAGOS-NIGERIA. Pamela Kanayo, Maryland, Lagos, Nigeria. Nike Fenandez, Maryland, Lagos, Nigeria, 23401. JOHN GRAHAM, 10 HALFORD ROAD, LONDON SW6 1JT. Mrs. Lilian Ogor, London, U. K. ELIZABETH ROY, SUITE 23-30, LION TOWERS, CENTRAL LONDON. AMOS UCHE, 1110, INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ROAD, IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA 23401. NIGEL WILLIAM, 78 ALCESTER ROAD, MOSELEY, BIRMINGHAM, B13 8BB LONDON . SANDRA GARRY, LONDON, UK. Aina Kehinde, 10 beach way. Cocoa House, Ibadan. Nigeria. Babatunde Taiwo, No.7 obantoko road, Abeokuta, Ogun-State, NIGERIA 23439. Dr Marc Spencer, 11 Ring Road, Central Accra, Ghana. CRISTINO MATHEW, HATTON CROSS ESTATE, EASTERN PERIMETER ROAD, HEATHROW, TW6 2SR, ENGLAND. ELUEMUNO PRINCE IKECHUKWU, CALLE ECUADOR, 35 4D, MADRID, SPAIN. Deborah White, Delf House, Skelmersdale, WN8 6GF. London, United Kingdom. Kelvin Duncan, Unit 11, Ashford Industrial Estate, Shield Road, TW15 1AU, London. DAVID VAUGHAN, 11 Link House, Link Place, BRIGHTON, Sussex, BN1 7DX, ENGLAND. Mark Jones, Ceramplein 74, 1095BZ, Amsterdam, Netherlands. MARK JONES, HOOFGEST 300, 1103PE AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS. KAMARA YOUNG, Queen Square, London WC1N 3AQ United Kingdom. DAVIDSON WILLIAMS, Blenheim Tower, Westerdoksdijk 40, 1013 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Steven Morris, Royal Buildings, 2 Mosley St, Manchester M2 3AN. Chief Williams Kouadio, Rue 6, Lot 96 Rue de Jarden, Cocody, Abidjan, Ivory Coast. PHIL YOUNG, NO. 909 EFFRA ROAD, LONDON. SW2 1BZ. EMILY WILTON, 87 Hydepark Street. Finnieston. London G3 8BW UK. STEVEN MORRIS, 10089 Diamond Ways, London United Kingdom. PROSPER FRANK, IMO - STATE, NIGERIA. Mis. BEATRIX NELSON, Herengracht 450 1017 CA. The Netherlands. DAVID WILLIAM, 14 ADEKUNLE ADEDOTUN STREET, OJOTA, LAGOS, 23401 NIGERIA. PETER JOE, 10 GAIYE AVENUE, DAKAR, SENEGAL. Samson Edomi, 5 HOWARD Rd Barking, London ig11 7ua. JOHN DURU, No. 14 Grace Road Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. SEUN BECKER, 114 GLOVER ROAD AGUDA, OGBA, LAGOS. NIGERIA - 23401. JOHN MATTHEW, 114 GLOVER ROAD AGUDA, OGBA. LAGOS, NIGERIA - 23401. SAMSON BANKOLE, 7 SOLUYI RD, GBAGADA, LAGOS STATE, NIGERIA 23401. ULOGHOBUI PRISCILLIA OMOSOME, NO 1, MOSES ADEBAYO ST, OJODU LAGOS, NIGERIA 23401. David Ijomah, No 3 Yesufu Ayinde street, mende, Maryland, Lagos, Nigeria. Samson Edomi, 5 HOWARD Rd, Barking, London ig11 7ua. Igor Lupashku, Berdyansk, Ukraine. Malhaz Dzhumbadze, Lviv, Ukraine. Rechard Green, Elite Worldwide, Hartland Close, London (UK). MRS MARYAM DIAKITE, 341, NELSON MANDELA AVENUE, OUAGADOUGOU, BURKINA FASO REPUBLIC . ROY PANAMA, 12 IKORODU RD, IKEJA, LAGOS 23401, NIGERIA. THOMAS BAILEY, 45 Grosvenor Gardens, Victoria, London SW1W 0AG. MIKE ERIC, MILAN, ITALY. Peter Cole, Victoria House, 144-146, Beddington Lane, Croydon, U. K. Cavalerri Stomrini, 112 Ayres Road, Manchester. Lancashire. M16 7QT. Andrey Polakov, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. ELIZABETH JULIE ANN MCGRATH, C Juan Carlos N 47, 28100. Madrid Spain. PETER COMB, 20 WHARF ROAD, IKOYI, LAGOS, NIGERIA, 23401. RICHARD GREEN, 320 Oxford Street, London, W1C 1HF, United Kingdom. (MoneyGram) LAM SUSUWI, LONDON, UK. Foster Winston Godfrey, Jalan Wisma Batu Lima, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Luciano Ronaldinio, 112 Ayres Road, Manchester. Lancashire. M16 7QT, United Kingdom. Donald Victor, 44 Victoria Street, London, SW1H ONE United Kingdom. Sergey Grinchuk, Kiev, Ukraine. Eric Walker, 23 Edger Parks, Luton, LU4 8WL UK. BEATRIX NELSON, Herengracht 450 1017 CA. The Netherlands. GODFRY HORN, MAANPLEIN 55, 2516 CK DEN HAAG, THE NETHERLAND. ROSELINE JORK, 96 JERMYN STREET, LONDON SW1Y 6ED. UNITED KINGDOM. AGBONIFO AYETAN, 96 JERMYN STREET, LONDON SW1Y 6ED, UNITED KINGDOM. Kenneth ABBA, re JOHN SMITH, Standard Trust Bank PLC, standardtrustforeignremmitanceyahoo. fr, Standard Trust Plaza, UTFSC Plaza, 1 Bank Road Wuse - FCT, Abuja, Nigeria. Igor Solodovnikov, St. Petersburg, Russia (MoneyGram). quotdoctorquot Chinedu Okoromadu. Lagos, 23401, Nigeria. Merly Jones, 12 sola street, ikeja, lagos, Nigeria, 23401. Maliy Qage, 14 Harbour Way, London. Igor Solodovnikov, St. Petersburg, Russia (MoneyGram). OKOLI EZE GIDEON, AMSTERDAM - NETHERLANDS. James Raymond, 24 Link House, Link Place, BRIGHTON, Sussex, BN1 7DX, ENGLAND (MoneyGram). Graham Douglas, 23 Station Rd, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6RT, England, United Kingdom. BAR PHILIP DESMOND, 48 AVENUE LAMINE GUEYE, DAKAR, SENEGAL. Elizabeth Roy, P. O.Box 1010, United Kingdom. Larry Blancarte, 10 allen avenue, ikeja, lagos, nigeria, zip code 23401. Peter Morgan, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria, 23401. Tammy Moore, 2 airport road, Maryland, Lagos, 23401, Nigeria. Bob Miller, Reigersbos 184, 1107ES Asterdam Zuid Oost, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Hanif Anver, ULSTER TRUST BANK ADDRESS: 108 Haymarket, London. SW1Y 4TE, England. Lam Susuwi, 5 Woodland road, gorton, Manchester UK. francis julius, 250bank anthony way, ikeja, lagos state, nigeria 23401. JUDE OKOLI, LAGOS-NIGERIA. Onaifo Kennedy Sunday, Madrid, Spain. ANTHONY RADEBE, ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT, UK NATIONAL LOTTERY, P. O.Box 1010, Liver pool, L701NL, United Kingdom. Nmoma Ayo James, C204 Sagbeya Cotonou, Benin. MARISKA KASPERS, 136 INLAND EXPRESS FINANCE HOUSE, ROTTERDAM. NETHERLANDS. Tom George, 25 Sukhumvit Road, Klong Toey Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110. CHRISTOPHER MOORE, 17 HAGLY ROAD LONDON. OLAOLU JEGEDE, 12 AIRPORT RD, IKEJA, LAGOS, 23401, NIGERIA. ISSAC IKE. COTONOU, BENIN. IMA LUMAZI, re BARRISTER SAM KUKU AND SONS CHAMBERS, NO.12 LABONI ROAD, ACCRA, GHANA. ALI IYERE OKOH, LAGOS, NIGERIA. Paul Sardana, 128 seymour place, London, England. ALFRED BROWN, VERIJN STUATWEG 14, 1102 CG, AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS. CHARLES UBEJI, 03 B. P. 2106, COTONOU, BENIN. Matt Peters, 33 Aldgate High Street. London EC3N 1EA. Williams Oscar Vivic. 33 Aldgate High Street, London EC3N 1EA. ELVIS JACOBS, PLOT 712 OBA-AKRAN AVENUE, IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA 23401. re Barbara Vodenik and Shag S. ANEKWE HILLARY, COTONOU, RPUBLIQUE DU BENIN. ANITA OVIASUYI, HOGEVECHT 150, AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS. IDOWU OGUNKOYA, 23,CENTRAL PARK, NORTH LONDON, ENGLAND. Paul Miller, 250 Regent Street, PO Box 4RY, London, W1A 4RY, UNITED KINGDOM. IDOWU OGUNKOYA, 23,CENTRAL PARK, NORTH LONDON. Frank Morrow, central way, Andover, SP10 5AW, Hampshire, UK. (MoneyGram) STPHANNIE. GREEN, 11 SNOW HILL, LONDON, EC1A, 2A1, ENGLAND 96 DX, LONDON. TOLA SMITH. Nigeria. SMITH AKEJU, Lagos, Nigeria. OLADIMEJI KEHINDE OLAPADE, NO 16 COURT ROAD, IKEJA, LAGOS, Nigeria. AMADO TORO, LONDON, UK. EDWARD GRAHAM, 26 Reagent. street, London W1Y 4BX. AMAOGARANYA STANLEY. LAGOS - NIGERIA. OGUNELE TEMITOPE, 15 TUNDE STREET, OGBA, LAGOS STATE. NIGERIA 23401. JOE WEST, 333 mark line, ogba, lagos, nigeria 23401. Cheary Amanda, chantel woods, 2 Triton Square, Regents Place, London. PATRICK DANIEL, 294 coldharbour lane, Brixon, SW9 8SE, London. Smith Ezeh, 170 Elm Street, Enfield, London CT 06082. FRANK CAMPBELL, 3rd Floor Building 11 Chiswick Park, W4 5YS, London, UK. IBIKUNLE B. AZEEZ, BLK 241 FLT 3 JAKANDE EST, OKE-AFA. ISOLO. LAGOS, NIGERIA. Wilmoth Richardson, 58 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 1BB. Vasilij Kirov, Lviv, Ukraine. Henry Gold, London, Uk. KSENIA ZHELTYAKOVA, Russian Federation, Moscow. STEVEN BROWN, 23 TOYIN STREET, OFF ALLEN AVENUE, IKEJA LAGOS, NIGERIA. Dennis Murhen, 12 ABBOT PARK ROAD, LONDON. Fred Umar, LAGOS, NIGERIA. Paul Miller, 250 Regent Street, PO Box 4RY, London, W1A 4RY, UNITED KINGDOM. Aaron Isibor, London, United Kingdom. Okata Bright, Nigeria. OLAWALE MATHEW, 20 HOSPITAL ROAD, IKOYI, LAGOS, NIG 23401. Collins Davies, Victoria House, 144-146, Beddington lane, croydon CRO4TD, ENGLAND, UK. WILLSON COKER, 90, Industrial Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria 23401. JOAN TREVON, 5 Cliffside, Wellingore, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom. Steve Adams, 2391 Beds 152 Koningin. Julianaplein 21, Den Haag, The Netherlands. Dele David, Lagos, Nigeria, 23401. MARIFE CARREON, Lawyers Direct, 53 Davies Street, London W1K 5JH (MoneyGram) RONALD ORLANDO LANDBURG, Thomas R. Malthusstr 3-B, Amsterdam, Netherlands. AMBROSE OPARA, NIGERIA. KENNETH IGWE, NO 23 ISIOKPO LANE, PORT HARCOURT, NIGERIA. Oluwaseun Banks, 10 mary street, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria, 23401. Kamil Adolphus, 6 battenberg walk, london SE18 5QN. MRS DANIEL JONES, ABUJA, NIGERIA. Cleopatra Asfaltina, 62 Crescent Road, London, SE18 7BN, United Kingdom. Lyana Peliver, 15 Gilbert Grove, Edgware, Middx, London. HA8 0LY, United Kingdom. Aaron Benson, 184 trinity gardens, canning town, london, united kingdom. (MoneyGram) Princewill Ezekeil. 25 Sukhumvit Road, Klong Toey Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110. Lillian David, 102B Schulenburg Straat, postcode 3083kz, Slinge, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. JAMES ROBERT, 10098 DIAMOND WAY, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM. Peter James, Calle Cascanueces, 21, 28043 Madrid, Spain. Ehiem Cajetan Anayo, No 90 mushin. Lagos, Nigeria. EDWARD GRAHAM, Unit 11, Ashford Industrial Estate, Shield Road, Ashford, Middx, TW15 1AU, london. DON ADAM, NM 275, ACCRA GH 23321, GHANA. LUCKY NJEKWE, AMSTERDAM. Ismaila T. Falana, Azeez Adisa, Courier Road, Lagos, Nigeria. Adekoya A. Rilwan, re SARAKI TUKUR, ikeja, lagos, Nigeria. Sam Paul, FSNB protocol officer, 80 Dunlop Close, DartFord, Kent, London UK. CHIAZUKA OBI, LAGOS, NIGERIA. KUKOYI BABATUNDE KABIR, 108 ALLEN ROAD, IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA, 23401. KSENIA ZHELTYAKOVA, Moscow, Russian Federation. KICHINSKIY MAKSIM, Omsk, Russia. HOMYAKOV ANTON, Omsk, Russia. Sunday Smith, 24 Oguntolu street, shomolu, Lagos, 23401, NIGERIA. ONONOBI CELESTINE CHUKWUDI, 24 CANAL STREET IKOYI, LAGOS, NIGERIA. Jason Glover, 17 Almond Street, Lancashire, BB3 2SD. Großbritannien. Adewale johnson, 1 kelvin Street, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria 23401. AYODEJI ALABI, 136 Worth St, New York, 10013, USA. Cynthia Awuah, Accra, Ghana, West Africa. Fryunsa Seimen, Makiyivka, Ukraine. Afolayan Oluwafikay, Ikeja, Lagos 234-01, Nigeria. Dennis Black, 195,Trafagar Rd, Greenwich, london, United Kingdom. DENISE WILLIAMS, CALLE DON SAN NO. 2. MADRID, SPAIN. GEORGE ROLAND, FRANKFURT, GERMANY. PATRICK RAY, BERLIN, GERMANY. WALTER WOODS, 49 lodge lane, grays, essex, rm17 5rz, United kingdom. PAUL RICH, 24, Islington Street, SAE1 3GH, London, United Kingdom. Christopher Moore, 49 lodge lane, grays, essex, rm17 5rz, London, United kingdom. (MoneyGram) Adams Richards, 58 Scrubs Lane, London, SE136BG U. K. YINKA ROTIMI, 25 toridge garden, pecham SE 1 5 JJJ LONDON UK. IFEANYI CHUKWUMA, NIGERIA. DAVID NJOKU, 147 ROYCE STREET OWERRI, NIGERIA. Patience Crintina. Williams, United Kingdom. Richard Thomas, 12 Boenilaan, NL-1000 BV, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS. SANNI IBRAHIM, LAGOS NIGERIA. DENNIS CONRAUD, 2 or 128 SEYMOUR PLACE, LONDON, ENGLAND. jolly smith, 19 odozi street, ikeja, lagos, 23401, nigeria. MICHEAL JONES, Vianenstraat 109, 1104 ae amsterdam, netherlands (MoneyGram) NATALIE FREMONT. KLIEVRINK, 1077 ME AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS. Kwante Peter, 2391 Beds 152 Koningin Julianaplein 21, Den Haag, The Netherlands. MARTINUS DENNES GREGORIO, MADRID, SPAIN . WANDA KOLA, ADDRESS OF ACCOUNT OFFICE: BRIGHTON GOV. AGENCY, Sussex, BN1 7DX, ENGLAND (MoneyGram). Dan Huff, 21 Pentonville Road, London N1 9UZ. THOMAS BUTLER, 2, LAMBETH HILL, LONDON. Eric Walker, 48-50 Mathews Gardens, TM12 5TF, London-UK. JAFARU DATCHE, TROMSO, NORWAY. PETER IJEOMAH CHUKS. LAGOS, NIGERIA. EDWARD GRAHAM, HATTON CROSS ESTATE, EASTERN PERIMETER ROAD, HEATHROW, TW6 2SR, ENGLAND. ROLAND BIQUET, 30 PATRIDGE CLOSE, E16 3TB LONDON. Tricia Smith, 21 PENTONVILLE ROAD, LONDON, N1 9UZ, UNITED KINGDOM. Steven Wayne, 123 Queens Gate, South Kensington, London. Mark Brown, 15 broad street london. SE12 0LD. Dennis Black, 12 Park street, New cross, London, England. JOAN TREVON, ALDERMARY HOUSE, QUEEN ST. LONDON EC4N 1TT, UNITED KINGDOM. SAFIN ILFAR, Russia, MOSCOW, LENINA ST. 121 APT. 23. GRETTER ROWLAND, 135 COMMERCIAL STREET, EC2M 3UR, LONDON. Emmanuel Idehenre Jacob, Brescia, Italy. Azeta Philip, Einsiedlerplatz 4, 1050 Vienna, Austria. FRANKLIN BANNETT, West London, 43 North End Road, West Kensington, London W14 8SZ. EKHORAGBON MICHAEL, NO 7 THEO-OKUNUSI STREET OFF ORIOLA ROAD, ALAPERE, KETU, LAGOS STATE, NIGERIA ZIPCODE: 23401. Buruleanu Mircea, Popa Sapca BL M2, Dragasani, 245700, Romania, and banca comerciala carpatica calea lui traian bl 36, valcea, zip 1000. Lillian David, 102B Schulenburg Straat, postcode 3083kz, Slinge, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. lewis peterson, Voorburgstraat 105 1059 VD Amsterdam Netherlands. LENSTRA PAULO ANTONIO, KERKSTRAAT 52, 1000, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM. CRISS FRED WILLY MATIN VAN MEEL, GEMMENTE STRAAT 8, ANTWERP, BELGIUM. Thomas Whitbread, 496a Great West Road, TW5 0TE, United Kingdom. Fredrick McAukey, 496a Great West Road, Hounslow, Heathrow Airport. Adam Johnson. 22 Ruclage Ave. Harlesden, SW4 0QL, London, United Kingdom. re global-express-guaranteed and eqelectronics. HuiFang Ma, Room 106, Building No.2, mu xu yuan, chao Yang District, Beijing City,100021, China. Kanku Mukala, Kpn tower, 125 pram khao rd. bangkok 10450, thailand. ILFAR SAFIN, Russia, Moscow, Lenina street 81-49, Zip: 125040. Andrew Jennies. 463 Barking road, London E15 8PS. England. Adebayo Balogun, Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria, Zip Code: 23401, Text Question: Who is my Love Answer: Ara . Dunphy Colin Murphy, Postbank 1103lv, Amsterdam, Netherlands. BROWN KENNEDY, HATTON CROSS ESTATE, EASTERN PERIMETER ROAD, HEATHROW, TW6 2SR, ENGLAND. David Haselgrove, Manchester United Kingdom. Anderson Jones, Kliverink 14 1104 ke, Amsterdam, Netherlands. chantel jones, 35 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. RITA SHERRY GEORGE, 13 AYANBODE STR, OGBA IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGARIA (sic). OSENI OLUWASEUN ANTHONY, 120 MILVERTON ROAD IKOYI, LAGOS, NIGERIA. Aleksey Anikin, Russia. Saint-Petersburg, Nevskaya street 61-125. Adedeji Afeez, 7 Rafiu alimi close, off oluwaga busstop, NG, (Nigeria) Lagos, Ipaja, 23401. ANTHONY CHIEJI, BENIN REPUBLIC. AKINLEYE AKINBUKOLA, 10,GSM VILLAGE, IKEJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA. BANABAS ABRUGBE, IPAJA, LAGOS, NIGERIA, 23401 Anton Homyakov, Omsk, Russia. MISS PESO FRANCESCA KENNEDY, 220 LGT ADJAME, ABIDJAN, IVORY COAST Mercy Gray, 12 hotel road, lagos, Nigeria, 23401. FRANKLIN BANNETT, Shooters Hill, London, SE 18 4LX. London UK James Abara, 10 Pentagon Road, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. HENRY JACKSON, 1 QUEENS ROAD, LONDON SE2 1EP and HENRY JACKSON, 1 QUEENS ROAD, LONDON SE2 1EP. DAN HUFF, 21 PENTONVILLE ROAD, LONDON, N1 9UZ, UNITED KINGDOM. Lumin Mercy, 13 Allen Road, Opebi Allen, Lagos, Nigeria, 23401. AGHANTI IKECHUKWU JULIUS, COTONOU BENIN REPUBLIC. JONSON BENNI, PARKLINE. AVENUE, LONDON WC1N2LA. BAR (barrister) MARK BERNARD, NO 48 AVENUE LAMINE GUEYE, DAKAR SENEGAL. DAVID HILARY, LAGOS-NIGERIA. MATINUS VAN DER WASSENBERG, 250 Regent Street, PO Box 4RY, London United Kingdom. AFOLABI AKINTAN, NO4, OLATUNDE ONIMOLE STREET, AGUDA, SURULERE, LAGOS, NIGERIA. GEORGE NAZIAROH, 21 Bute street, Manchester M40 9JA, England. KINGSLEY ODIA, 9 CREEK ROAD, IKOYI, LAGOS, NIGERIA - 23401. JOHN MATTHEW, 9 CREEK ROAD, IKOYI, LAGOS, NIGERIA - 23401. PAUL MARTINS, 7 VICENTE STREET, MADRID, SPAIN. Anton Homyakov, Omsk, Russia. MICHAEL GRANT, 28 Hamilton Terrace, Leamington Spa, England CV32 4LY. ROY BROWN, AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS. JERRY BROWN, AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS. ROJAR PENARD, CVALERON, 26, 8, 1. 30002, MURCIA, SPAIN. AYODELE A. ABIONA, 78 ALAPERE STREET, LAGOS, KETU 23401, NIGERIA. FRIMPONE DAVID, London-UK. MICHEAL STONE, Sussex House, London Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 1HH. LONDON UK. ALEXANDER BRUINHART, MICHAEL MORGAN, PETER JONES, FRANKLIN DAVIES, KROGER BANKING CENTER 200MT. DECHANTAL ROAD. Chris Napoleon Abba, 102B Schulenburg Straat, postcode 3083kz, Slinge, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Citibank nowadays is exposing customers to identity theft. They sent over 600,000 customers their year end tax statement with their social security number printed on the envelope, and are giving them a free 180 days of enhanced ID theft protection. I sure hope none of them need to get payday loans to mend any damage that gets done because of this, and Citibank had better pray nothing comes from this. i actually came to really understand that atm fraud is real coz initialy i never belived. actually, i need somebody to tell me what to do. just last week, i lost a huge amount of money through atm and it just hapened this way. i went 2 withdraw money from the atm machine but the machine seized my card which i reported to that bank the next day and i was told that they will have 2 send my atm card to the headquaters of my bank, which they will now give to me. finally, i couldnt collect it, but after 2 days, i brought my withdrawal boooklet to withdraw with it but i was then told that i have no money in my account. pls what do i do Thanks for adding me. Be careful with the way you post personal information like this. Fraud attempts can be made from a persons account by something as simple as a stolen debit card which anyone is prone to. Painting a blank picture based on account names is not very smart. u shld have fwded this to Efcc, interpol, sfu or any other anti corruption agent. of what use is this to NLers Anybody can come up with a list of names. I would advide the poster to be careful of posting peoples personal details just because you saw it on some website. Your name could just have easily appeared there too considering identity theft is booming in the U. K.Private Placement Programs, Do they Really Exist Before we get to the answer, lets define the term private placement program . Though there are a number of different types of investments that are referred to as private placement, such as pre-IPO funding, managed Forex, equity investing, or organized investment pools, we are referring to the process of trading discounted bank instruments (MTN s, BG s) to generate high profits . This is a niche that has flooded with potential clients lately, but the question is, are any of these clients ever successful This is a question we get every day from people who are new to the private placement business. Most of the people we speak to are just beginning to do their research, and want to make sure they are not wasting their time with something thats too good to be true. When you go to government fraud prevention sites, they say that private placement programs dont exist, but when you read forums and speak to the brokers and traders, they say they do. Who is really disclosing the full truth Well, lets take a look at the incentives behind each of their claims. The brokers are convinced private placement exists, but then again, they are the ones in line to get huge commissions on transactions. The regulatory agencies swear private placement doesnt exist, but then again, if they openly supported it, the equity and traditional investment markets would collapse, and fraud would rise in the private markets. When you look at it, they both have strong motives for each of their positions, but there is only 1 truth The fact is, private placement programs are REAL and DO EXIST. The problem is, they are extremely tough to screen, and even harder to succeed with. Over the last 10 years the once unknown private placement business has spread all over the internet, which has lead to a flood of inexperienced brokers into the market. When you combine the recent increase in participation, with private nature of these programs, it can be a recipe for disaster if you are not properly informed. We are not writing this article to state an opinion, but rather to state fact. We have closed a private placement transaction, and we can confirm they do exist. The only thing to remember is this . it took us over 7 years, and thousands of contacts to find one program that performed. We literally contacted over 20,000 people who were in the business, and now we work with less than 10. In short, think of this as a search to find a needle in 100 haystacks, not as a path to immediate wealth. For more information, please read our other articles to learn more of our inside tips and experience with Private Placement Programs. Bank Instruments, and all of the other Alternative Investment Markets. InsideTrade LLC Staff - 16 February 2010 at 8:51 am . what most brokers may claim, the MT 799 is NOT used as collateral, and can NOT be used to enter a private placement program. Now that we know about the MT 799. lets take a look at it8217s cousin, the Swift MT . - 4 March 2010 at 7:40 pm . Over the last 10 years, there has become more and more demand for project funding sources in the private placement market. Though it sounds far-fetched, many companies now promise to fund almost any project, all for a simple up - front fee. As you should hopefully know by now, the up-front fee is a classic red flag Despite what many undercapitalized project managers may want to believe, there is only one way to fund large-scale projects, investing in a REAL private placement program. . - 4 March 2010 at 7:42 pm The fact is private placement do exist. It039s extremly hard to find performing programs. I get investors contact saying their last private program wasn039t paying that much and had an investor 8 months ago who wanted to invest but I said I wanted a certain percent and he wasn039t willing to pay that much, so, we parted and he found someone else and contacted me thanking me for letting him know about private placement programs, he didn039t know what PPPs were until I told him. It039s taken me a long time finding performing trades but now I only take the that the platform pays out and am happy with that. Remember it039s illegal to take money from both sides, never do it it will get you blacklisted from PPPs and will kills your deals. - 8 March 2010 at 9:16 am Great post Thanks for adding your knowledge and experience to your Blog. If you have a moment, take a look at our discussion forum. It8217s very user friendly, and it has over 500 posts already. We appreciate educated readers such as yourself, and would love if you could add to our forum as well. Thank you once again for your blog post. It8217s our pleasure to have you as a member. - 8 March 2010 at 11:41 pm I HAVE POFs TO SEND YOU, PLEASE SEND ME YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. - 4 November 2010 at 6:48 am Hi, I am rahul from india. I have direct contact to clients who are interested to do ppp. I have seen many fraud brokers they were claiming they have contact with real ppp platforms. I believed each time and finally that lead me to embarrass myself in front of my clients. So i may not get much more chances to make my clients believe the ppp is real. So any of you have proof that you are real ppp platform or you have contact to real ppp programmers please contact me on this mail bose91gmail. The funds are fixed deposits. They are unbelievably huge. - 7 November 2010 at 11:55 pm The bankable instruments still do you have with you Yes we do have trading platform in India. You can reach me on successdotcomgmail or 91 98440 68629. - 14 November 2010 at 12:05 pm I would like to inform you that I had a very bad experience with 2 of my previous deals that I have till now dealt with, both of which failed. In the first deal of cash holding of INR 25 cr. the program manager didn039t turned up and in the next deal was of INR 300 cr SKR. my client didn039t turned up as the SKR later proved to be a fake. Again I have received a INR 10 cr cash holding of HSBC bank from one of my reputed client for the purpose of PPP. I have forwarded the same to my previous program manager but he again failed to execute the deal. Now I am in a situation of a huge embarrasment. As I have came across through this site and found to be reliable, my query is that should any real program manager be interested in carry forward with this deal If so, please feel free to contact me at the earliest. - 16 November 2010 at 12:39 am hi iqbal singh8230, this mohan i am from bangalore8230 i am also looking for programmer8230 i got some documents for program. so if you are interested you contact8230: 500mohangmail mob: 9035435954 - 22 November 2010 at 12:56 am There is no PPP in India. Money must be in Switzerland. And only cash. All others is BS. More about it in forum. Best. - 22 November 2010 at 6:07 pm Hi Sulevss, Enlighten me about Genuine Traders in Switzerland or other countries who are able to work. I have immense clientage which youtrader never think. P. S: If someone reply from India then he should show me quotProof of Workquot, then only I can move forward. - 8 December 2010 at 3:42 am Could see some real post on Private Placement, Nice article from host site. For someone like inside trade it took 7 years to find a performing trade platform. In India, we have experienced a new breed of Investors brokers facilitator broker. Let me ask 8221 Do The Real Investor Do Exist8221 I have an experience of meeting a long chain of brokers who are either closer to the trade group ( I mean Direct) or the investor. If we dig in to understand the knowledge about trade gr. or platform then we understand Heshe is not even INDIRECT to Investor principal. Do we really have a platform in INDIA. I meant a TRADE PLATFORM. Its very difficult. I have come across almost 1000 people in Mum, Del, Blr, chn, kol, AHD, HYD who are either platform managers, program managers or MANDATE who are direct to trade principal. Lets get it straight. PPP is a very very PRIVATE PROGRAM. IF IT HAS TO BE IN PUBLIC FOR THE WORLD TO SEE THEN WHY WE HAVE THE WORD 8220PRIVATE8221. PROOFS WILL AND SHALL BE NOT AVAILABLE FOR ANYONE TO SEE. Programs do exist, platforms do exist. but the right source never exist. I have personaly seen offer letters issued for PRIVATE PLACEMENT OPPORTUNITY. Gosh issued at will by the trade gr. DO WE REALLY THINK THE TRADE GR. WILL OFFER on LETTER HEADS. THEN IT BECOMES SOLICITATION, AND WORD PRIVATE IN DUMBS. Sadly, here we are wasitng time and attimes money. My appeal to brokers or chain of brokers, please let the investor participate in trade. Your share of work will never be ceased but infact be appreciated. GOOD LUCK FRIENDS. - 8 December 2010 at 9:31 am I agree. but in India, we have a different trade platform. Now this is completely diff from the REAL ONEs. This trade platform is dominated by Mediators facilitators. However, in this the investor does not get in directly. Somebody else does and the real fund owner is never the beneficiary for a big chunk but part of small chunk. - 19 December 2010 at 2:29 am Every broker will try to grab the client at first and its really difficult to be done from India..yeah but chances are there that you get the deal done outside India and get payment abroad itself. Mauritius..hahahaaaa. am not joking..seriously this kind of deals work only when you have that much of network outside India or your broker has..believe me its the real difficult task to get the payment received in INDIA..but question is who wants to get money in INDIA..dats a big question..let me get some contradictory versions to my ready to post not revealing my identity here..sorry 4 that..i may workout somthing if you all are serious about ur money. thank u - 19 December 2010 at 3:44 pm Who says PPP doesnt happen in INDIAHahahahahaaaaaa8230You should be well connected to know wat really happens in INDIA..Only INDIA can understand the meaning of PPP. its private..really private..i cant reveal wat really happens in INDIA but as my friend askin me to leave to switzerland8230yes. payment happens outside INDIA..Is RBI a fool to just look into all dese money and keep quiet..just think about my statement friends..its very serious8230private8230Hahahahaaaa8230. - 19 December 2010 at 4:17 pm i will intersting your pogram plz contact me Private Programs are back in offing this Jan 2011. 1) quotAn excellent opportunity for all kinds of bonds or other instruments. Bullet Program. Duration :instrument blocked for 5 wks, pay out 5 times. The pay out done after completion of first week. Currency Euro USDquot 2) NON RECOURSE LOAN PROGRAM SUMMARY: for asstes BG MTN Ven bondsLTN, etc. 100 M minimum Up To 90 LTV Non-Recourse 90 day term Renewable Delivery EUROCLEAR, DTC FREE DELIVERY or SWIFT 542 (must be delivered via one of these options) Submission Documents RWA, CIS. Passport and FPA Clause for Non-Performance of 500,000 for both Lender and Borrower 5 Gross Commission paid same time seller is paid ndash 8 hours after return of contract. Start to finish timeline ndash 24 hours ndash INCLUDING PAYMENTS. NEEDED: RWA, CIS. PASSPORT AND FPA ALONG WITH INSTRUMENT SCREEN-SHOTS PAGES 1-4 AND PAGE 14. THIS IS ALL WE NEED THUS FAR TO GET A CONTRACT WITHIN 2-3 HOURS. - 3 January 2011 at 6:20 am 1) We can put any other bonds, cash, CD 039s into a bullet trade program and pays the Investor 100 of that amount each week for 5 weeks, however, the platform will pay out the whole 5 weeks of trading at one time after the first week of trade. At the end of the 5 weeks the Investor can take his bonds back or sell them or put them into a 40 week trade program. 2)NON RECOURSE LOAN PROGRAM SUMMARY: -100 M minimum Up To 90 LTV - Non-Recourse -90 day term - Renewable - Delivery EUROCLEAR, DTC FREE DELIVERY or SWIFT 542 (must bedelivered via one of these options) - Submission Documents RWA, CIS. Passport and FPA - Clause for Non-Performance of 500,000 for both Lender and Borrower -5 Gross Commission paid same time seller is paid ndash 8 hours after return of contract. - Start to finish timeline ndash 24 hours ndash INCLUDING PAYMENTS. NEEDED: RWA, CIS. PASSPORT AND FPA ALONG WITH INSTRUMENT SCREEN-SHOTS PAGES 1-4 AND PAGE 14. THIS IS ALL WE NEED THUS FAR TO GET A CONTRACT WITHIN 2-3 HOURS. - 3 January 2011 at 6:32 am Friends, 1) We can put any other bonds, cash, CD 039s into a bullet trade program and pays the Investor 100 of that amount each week for 5 weeks, however, the platform will pay out the whole 5 weeks of trading at one time after the first week of trade. At the end of the 5 weeks the Investor can take his bonds back or sell them or put them into a 40 week trade program. 2)NON RECOURSE LOAN PROGRAM SUMMARY: -100 M minimum Up To 90 LTV - Non-Recourse -90 day term - Renewable - Delivery EUROCLEAR, DTC FREE DELIVERY or SWIFT 542 (must bedelivered via one of these options) - Submission Documents RWA, CIS. Passport and FPA - Clause for Non-Performance of 500,000 for both Lender and Borrower -5 Gross Commission paid same time seller is paid ndash 8 hours after return of contract. - Start to finish timeline ndash 24 hours ndash INCLUDING PAYMENTS NEEDED: RWA, CIS. PASSPORT AND FPA ALONG WITH INSTRUMENT SCREEN-SHOTS PAGES 1-4 AND PAGE 14. THIS IS ALL WE NEED THUS FAR TO GET A CONTRACT WITHIN 2-3 HOURS. - 3 January 2011 at 7:18 am we have genuine clients from 1 m to 500 m who are ready to invest looking for genuine broker - 13 January 2011 at 12:56 pm I absolutely beg to differ on this statement: quotThere is no PPP in India. Money must be in Switzerland. And only cashquot. While there are limitations for India 8211 large platforms have the means and know - how to utilise Cash in India for PPP. Even assets in India can be brought into PPP via various constructs. The trouble with Indian files however is that many of the files fall through because of fraudulent files. The methods by which PPP in India can be achieved differ. It could be done via purchasing a BG outside India. it can be done by account linking, by confirming the funds through a corresponding bank and by getting a creditline in the own bank on the assets in India. We can also open trading accounts in Switzerland and elsewhere. For more details please contact: phufgardgooglemail - 21 January 2011 at 3:38 pm PRIVATE PLACEMENTS Ok guys, you want the real deal right. I have been in the business long enough to know what039s what. Yes I am direct with the trade group in Europe. If you have Any Client with an INR account equivalent to minimum 500 Million USD in cash or CD or MORE. I need a RWA from your clientrsquos bank on letterhead of course fully signed sealed, you know the procedure. Also, a fresh full 6 month bank statement of his account. This is sent bank to bank direct to our London or Euro bank officer to verify bank to bank. If it comes back positive, then the trader himself will fly and meet your client in his bank in India. You will NOT get anything in writing on past performance, historical payouts or the like. Private means private, trader and client ONLY. YOU and the client will NOT get anything more from me until your clients account has been verified. And of course your clientrsquos funds remain in his account. This is for a EURO trade and NOT INDIAN. Please ONLY email me if you are 100 sure about your client and what he says he has he has. - 24 January 2011 at 6:24 am i want to know about benefits through holding FD or 5cr,10cr amount in hsbc bank of india and want to get agents name with contact number, who do the same. - 31 January 2011 at 5:25 am more about this Jonathan - 31 January 2011 at 8:32 am I am a Trader. By that I mean I trade the real FX Market and actually teach trading also. I also make between 100 8211 200 per year trading currencies for myself and a very few select clients and the difference is that I actually post my live trades on Twitter 8211 as I take them so there is complete transparency. I am very experienced and very successful at doing this. I tell you all this because in the mid nineties I also spent some years travelling the World meeting people in Zurich, New York, Gibraltar, Monaco and London to name but a few meeting billionaires, millionaires, Russian Oligarchs and the usual hordes of wannabes, all attempting to partake in this shady PPP business. I have to say that after many years of trying ( believe me I had situations where I became POA with JV agreement for 1.25B of real cash desposit to give you just one example) I eventually came to the conclusion that this business does not really exist in the form that most believe it to. Yes I make those sorts of returns, but I do it on the electronic, Over the Counter FX market which is a real market which has a turnover of 3T per day. Its hardly surprising therefore that after my previous experiences, I am happy to stick with something real No offence, but you are largely wasting your time referring to quotgatekeepersquot and Private Placement and all the other nonsense buzz words conjured up by this so called business. - 1 February 2011 at 7:52 am pls mail me to itsmearvind78rediffmail. I will let you know the details. - 12 February 2011 at 8:17 am Hi, Please contact me like more information on PPP. Need funds to invest in real estate. - 19 February 2011 at 12:06 am yes sir we can give you a good profit of 20 cr in just two days where i need 10 cr only total white and with 0 risk money will be paid in advance call me on 09994771127 if interested - 20 February 2011 at 9:01 am hello every one i am an agent and we do ppp program were we can give you a good profit of 20 cr in just two days where i need 10 cr only total white and with 0 risk money will be paid in advance before using your money. call me on 09994771127 if interested - 20 February 2011 at 2:03 pm Minimum is 5 Crore. But its very very important to get Genuine people who are actually a part of this platform. There are also some misconception about this8230 People will say issue an MT 799 or MT 760. This thing cannot happen becoz this is a bank to bank communication about the status of the account and fund. Hope it helps - 21 February 2011 at 7:39 am We are a New Delhi based Management consulting firm Our area of specialisation is Financial and Human Resource Research. Out team has professionals from companies like GE, ICICI, ABN AMRO and have experience in international trade, finance and banking. We are direct to a International Trade Platform and can take Cash Funds Bank Instruments of your clients to Trade PPP. The minimum amount of which we can take to Trade is USD 1 Million. These funds have to be blocked for a period of 1 year 1 day, by a SWIFT MT799 Fund Block or a MT760, Bank to Bank. We can also take Bank Instruments, to Trade, but the amount of the Instrument has to be higher, since Instruments are not considered as Proof of Fund, on their Face Value, and are valued at a lower value, based on what the instrument is backed by i. e. Cash Assets, the Issuing Bank, etc. We have 2 options, a Bullet option, where you get paid only once, 150 Gross, upfront, within a week, or one could opt for the weekly program, where one gets paid 50 Gross, per week, every week. In both the options, the funds have to be blocked for a period of 1 year 1 day. We would need the following documents to get started 8211gt - Copy of Bank Statement Bank Instrument - KYC Documents i. e. CIS. Passport, Corporate Resolution - RWA Letter from Bank confirming that the Bank is willing to issue a MT760 MT799 Fund Block, for a period of 1 year 1 day, as per Format attached. Head ndash Financial Analysis l Money Supply l 215-A, Jaina Tower -2, Janakpuri Dist. Center, New Delhi, 110014. India l Email. amit. karnmoneysupply. in l website. moneysupply. in l Contct. 91- 9899889985 Notice: The information contained in this e-mail message andor attachments to it may contain confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, any dissemination, use, review, distribution, printing or copying of the information contained in this e-mail message andor attachments to it are strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us by reply e-mail or telephone and immediately and permanently delete the message and any attachments - 21 February 2011 at 8:01 am it is totaly BS - 10 April 2011 at 4:01 pm HSBC INDIA BG OWNER CAN SPEAK TO BANKER FIRST 8211 PART 2 helliphellip..and that is for the Client to be able to speak directly to the Banker in charge which is in fact the step above even talking to a Trader. Accordingly, for Clients who are the true legal owner of an BG issued by HSBC in India (meaning the Client himself put op his own cash or assets to get the BG issues in the first place so no leased BG rsquos please). I can set up a conference call direct with the Banker so the client can learn the facts of the program straight from the lsquohorses mouthrsquo so to speak. This will give the Client the opportunity to archive the comfort level he both needs and deserves so following the call he can initially submit to the Banker a copy of the BGs Monthly Bank statement, having FIRST spoken to the Banker who can will provide examples of returns available which unlike most programs which are on a best effort basis are in this case they are a fixed insured monthly return of three digits paid over for example 5 or 10 years. Continued in next posthelliphellip. - 12 April 2011 at 3:16 pm HSBC INDIA BG OWNER CAN SPEAK TO BANKER FIRST 8211 PART 3 So if you are a Client with a BG issued by HSBC India and current held at HSBC India then contact me to receive full details of how to secure a conference call direct with the Private Banking Grouprsquos, Banker. If you are a Broker who is DIRECT (no one else between you and Client) and you astutely understand the significant comfort level advantage you can provide to your Indian Clients owning their own such HSBC BGs. Continued in next posthellip.. - 12 April 2011 at 3:18 pm HSBC INDIA BG OWNER CAN SPEAK TO BANKER FIRST 8211 PART 4 Then I will split the available fee with you 5050 with the added benefit to you of full fee protection transparency as your name and your signature will be required along with the Clientrsquos and mine, to be on the Private Banking Grouprsquos Official Profit Sharing Agreement which I will then duly lodged with the Private Banking Group who will then pay us both. You can contact me at: mercantile (at) inbox (dot) com - 12 April 2011 at 3:19 pm HSBC INDIA BG OWNER CAN SPEAK TO BANKER FIRST PART 1 I work with a Private Banking Group who can offer high yield, no risk private placement contracts to Indian Clients who are the ldquotrue ownerrdquo of a Bank Guarantee issued by and held at HSBC India, in the amount of a minimum of 150M dollars (or equivalent) with the BG not having to be moved form that Bank and no MT760 is required either. Usually when clients are offered access to these type of programs they are typically requested to first submit proof of fundsasset documentation and Passport copy to an unknown third party Broker or chain thereof, with no real guarantee that here is even a bona fide performing trading group at the end of the chain. Not to mention the attendant risk to the Clientrsquos of his sensitive documents falling in to the wrong hands and being misused. As for the most part the Client is invariably being asked to submit his private and confidential documents to a Broker with nothing to identify himself to the Client but a yahoo email address. There is a better wayhellip..Continued in part 2 - 12 April 2011 at 6:54 pm dear santosh, i am a broker for ppp. you may contact me o my email arv6659yahoo ANIL KUMAR - 17 May 2011 at 9:32 am Dear all, i deepak jadhav from india and mumbai city The program right now available is only for Rs 100 Cr and above and in mumbai only with my trade side, the first priority is HSBC both Cash amp FD the returns may vary for Non HSBC instruments. The tentative Minimum returns for both the instruments ( Cash amp FD ) is 300 (Net to investor) 100 (programmer and his associates (Deepak enterprises) Holding Blocking period is 1 year. The returns can go higher but we would not like to over commit ourselves The exact returns will be given prevailing at the time of verification of the instrument amp the same will be valid for a specified time frame which will be intimated to the client. The mode of payment to investor and all of will be remitted within 72 hrs of agreement amp blocking, because of foreign currency exchange in INR. (all the point include in agreement and MOU) Please note we would like to work with the clients who give us exclusive mandate with performance amp not shop around in the market. Thanks Regards Deepak enterprises skype. deepakenterprises 91 9833572074 - 17 May 2011 at 9:46 am yes deepak it is possible to invest 1cr cash holding - 25 May 2011 at 2:42 am hi this is manhar from mumbai this ppp program is helding in mumbai as well interested person can contact me dorectly i have the ppp programer link with me its a true link - 25 May 2011 at 2:46 am - 9 July 2011 at 1:09 am We are direct providers of Fresh Cut BG. SBLC, MTN. Bonds, Bank draft and CDs which we have specifically for lease. We do not have any broker chain in this offer or get involved in Chauffer driven offers. We deliver with time and precision as sethforth in the agreement. You are at liberty to engage our leased facilities into trade programs as well as in signature project(s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication, construction ofDams, Bridges and any other turnkey project(s) etc. Our terms and Conditions are reasonable. DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTS: 1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee (BG )SBLC (Appendix A) 2. Total Face Value: EurUsd 10M MIN and EurUsd 5B MAX (Five Billion USD). 3. Issuing Bank: HSBC London or AA rated Bank in Western Europe or USA. 4. Age: One Year, One Day 5. Leasing Price: 6 of Face Value plus 2 commission fees to brokers to be shared 5050 between the brokers on both lessorlessee side 6. Delivery SWIFT TO SWIFT. 7. Payment: Wire Transfer. 8. Hard Copy: Bonded Courier within 7 banking days. All relevant business information will be provided upon request plus our terms and procedures: If you are interested please contact me immediately to conclude. Mr. Marco Kunkel. Vicky are you still interested in PPP Please call Ron Luster 404-914-6022 (Cell) - 25 December 2011 at 11:24 am Dear Mr. Gulaid, of course on this blog and the fantastic side of InsideTrade Team is more information on PPP then anywhere else on the web to be read and study. Maybe you should ask more precise, what kind of information you are looking for We are operating from Europe and cheking here the real things versus the fake ones8230. a little bit simular to the pioneers here but still with different aproach. We very much specialized on quotsmall cap opportunitiesquot witch should not be called PPP but more Investment opportunities, starting with 1M because we found out in the last two years of deep research there is many of fake offers and also ilegal try to pool investors funds up to 50M or even 100M to start (maybe) real PPP but its very dengereus So we asked our self, is there anybody in Europe who can delivere a legal structure to offer 1M with supreme returns. We are happy to tell you and everybody who want to know it on this blog: YES its real and availible Please contact us at: mffimmocap for further explanations Brokers welcome only if direct contact to Investor (no further middle-man or woman) Please - 7 January 2012 at 7:24 am I can put you in direct contact with trader for PPP . - 8 January 2012 at 11:17 am We as Rubin Holding on Capital Investment, Management, Trade amp Development serve High Net Worth Individuals amp Private Investors, Executives amp Managers, Institutional Investors, Company amp Project Owners, and Foundation amp Funding Groups who are utilizing our global banking expertise for Investment amp Loan Funding, Project Finance and individual Investments in direct cooperation with European prime banks and World prime Banks. - 15 January 2012 at 11:35 am Hi Kelly, We have the sort of investor you are talking about however most of things floating in the market seem too good to be true amp unrealistic as well..Please contact for detailed discussion. contact 919321561317 - 7 February 2012 at 12:25 am Dear serious TradersBrokers, We are currently looking for a 100 serious and performing PPP that can work for our large pool of clients. We have private investors from 1M Euro up to no limit. Please contact us at eneumann79gmail if you can provide the above. - 25 February 2012 at 4:55 am for details on PPP write to ponnarasuj AT gmail DOT com - 20 June 2012 at 10:39 pm If you do not have 100-Million Euro or Dollars, you are NOT allowed to participate as a Managed BuySell PPP client. There are literally a small handful of people who operate the ones at the top of the mountain, and unless you have the money to work with, as far as they are concerned, there are no programs like this. If you DO have the money, (usually only a Ultra High Net Worth Individual, corporation, trust, foundation, etc), the door opens wide for those people. - 18 July 2012 at 6:04 am I hv located a trustworthy person who is able to do the job. I am in the process of the 1st program to be executed by him. After that I will be able to say with confidence. You may contact me at ssfm11gmail. today being 20th Sept. 12 I will be able to tell you the month end with certainty. Regards. - 19 September 2012 at 11:03 pm IGNORANCE IS BLESSED 8211 with all Respect. BUT DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT THE BIG GUYS EVER WANT TO TELL THE SKEPTICAL INDIVIDUAL WITH LITTLE TO NO EXPERIENCE HOW IT IS REALLY DONE8230.THE RICH DO NOT WASTE THEIR TIME EXPLAINING ANYTHING 8211 YOU EITHER GET IT INTELLECTUAL AND YOU UNDERSTAND THE MATHEMATICS BEHIND EQUITABLE EXCHANGES THAT ARE REAL AND LEGAL AND THE LIMITS OF THEM OR YOU DO NOT. PPP IS VERY REAL BUT FOR THOSE THAT UNDERSTAND IT NOT FOR EVERYONE8230GOD IS REAL FOR THOSE THAT UNDERSTAND HIS EXISTENCE NOT FOR EVERYONE. BANKS HAVE PRIVATE ACCOUNTS AND I MEAN ABSOLUTELY PRIVATE WHERE NOBODY CAN TOUCH THEM AS LONG AS quotTHERE IS NOT CRIME COMMITTEDquot GUESS WHAT NOBODY SEE THEM. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN LEARNING HOW IT WORKS 8211 WELL WE DO NOT TEACH IT WE SIMPLY CAN DO A DEAL WITH YOU 8230MINIMUM PARTICIPATION IS 1M EUROS AND WE WILL RAISE THE CAPITAL FOR YOU UP TO 250B IN 2 YEARS OR SO82308230.BUT OF COURSE YOU MUST BE SAVVY, SLICK, FAST, MAKING DECISIONS FULL OF DETERMINATION, SWIFT FAST, COMPLETE DOCS THE SAME DAY YOU GET THEM8230.THEN MAYBE THEN YOU WILL OPEN YOU EYES TO WHAT PERFORMANCE IS ABOUT WEALTH IS ABOUT. IF YOU HAVE COMPULSIVE IDEAS OF HOW YOUR PULSE IS DOING 10 TIMES A DAY OR YOU THINK MR. O IS A BIG SHOT IN USA 8211 DO NOT CONTACT ME YOU WOULD BE SUFFERING OF THE LACK OF CAPACITY AND ABILITIES TO DO THIS8230.YEAH LIKE I SAID YOU MUST HAVE THE BRAINS TO MOVE AND COUPE WITH SWIFT TRANSACTIONS OTHERWISE WE ARE WASTING YOUR TIME AND BANK OF AMERICA AT 3 A YEAR CD SHOULD BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU8230.I WANT FOLKS THAT WANT 200 A MONTH TO 1,500 A MONTH8230I WANT THE KINGS THE INVISIBLE FREE ENTERPRISE SPIRITED CHAMPIONS NOT THE KITTENS WITH WET DIAPERS8230.OBAMA I THINK CAN HELP YOU WITH THAT. - 21 September 2012 at 9:39 am give me details on guruji99999gmail or cll me 99796 18999 daness - 24 September 2012 at 9:01 am i have real invester who has keen interest in cash holding plz real platformer can contact me on guruji99999gmail - 24 September 2012 at 9:07 am Douglas Harrowsmith said: HI, We are engaged in infrastructure developments in Africa and need to establish a source of funding for countries yes countries that are not rated by Moodys039 Chad, Ghana, Zambia etc where we have credible applicant who need financing to provide much needed energy development and housing. I am aware of the PPP and have contact with brokers, but am finding it difficult to raise the starting instruments they require AAA bank BG minimum 300Mil UD Your offer is interesting could you let me know more I reside in South Africa BTW - 16 October 2012 at 8:29 am Douglas Harrowsmith said: Your offer refers: We have infrastructure projects in Africa which need significant financing: need for development in Africa is high. Housing, energy, transport infrastructure are amongst our project applicants. Please be kind enough to send us your Procedures D R Harrowsmith - 16 October 2012 at 11:08 am Please do contact sandeep8169gmail immediately. We will very much prove our genuineness first and then you can send the papers. If all your papers are genuine, will make the bullet payment in 7-9 working days. We never charge any upfront fees nor anybody should charge anybody. Thanks and regards, - 6 December 2012 at 11:00 pm We have clear program. No Smoke No Mirrors. Have good clear clean record. Happy for anyone to check. richardworldwidefs. au We use real emails so we can be tracked NOT gmail or yahoo accounts. 61 (0) 422 229 410 - 11 December 2012 at 4:10 am We have clear program. No Smoke No Mirrors. Have good clear clean record. Happy for anyone to check. - 11 December 2012 at 4:12 am We do have a safe, sound, long-standing, small-cap PPP. This PPP is run by swiss banks in Switzerland. Just cash-only investors may be invited, should they pass the screening process. For further details, please contact: pppfinancesgmail . - 13 December 2012 at 6:35 pm Hi Justin, Happy New Year to you and FamilyI won039t know whether is it too late to get establish with your posting of the PPP articleAllow me to define further or understandably into your offer that you are sourcing a legitimate professional know how reliable Trader, that can input into your infrastructure Platform Kindly, get in touch with me if you are keen to establish further concerning this BIZLooking forward to your favorable reply. God Bless n Thank You. Humbly Ricky Chua HP 6590591619 - 1 January 2013 at 10:04 pm Mail me your email id I will send you the PPP option its happening. - 23 January 2013 at 9:37 am In the world of Private Placements (SPECIFICALLY Managed BuySell Programs) there is a handful of trade groups which perform these. The flow of paper that is used in the BuySell programs comes from the worldwide commitment holder. The paper is bought, sold at a profit, and profits are shared according to the Asset Management Agreement. Literally, 5 groups perform the real programs, and they are purposely kept hidden from view as a result of the Internet brokers who have no connection to them. These programs are REGULATED by the US Treasury, IMF, World Bank, and European Central Bank. Admittance of a client into a program requires extremely high level due diligence on the client and hisher money. Depending on the program, the minimum needed to enter is generally at least 100-Million Euro or Dollars. Yes, these are real, AND they are buried deeply so that only the ones who have the connection to them know how to get to them. - 29 January 2013 at 9:27 am Hello Mr. Iqbal Singh, I do have a PPP program for India and Hongkong with min of 2 Million USD abroad and 10 Million USD in India min investment. No fake talks just completed one file last month. Do mail me if you are interested. - 29 January 2013 at 11:50 pm Hello Mr. Rokky, I do have a PPP program for India and Hongkong with min of 2 Million USD abroad and 10 Million USD in India min investment. No fake talks just completed one file last month. Do mail me if you are interested. - 30 January 2013 at 12:00 am Hello Mr. Deepak, I do have a PPP program for India and Hongkong with min of 2 Million USD abroad and 10 Million USD in India min investment. No fake talks, just completed one file last month. Do mail me if you are interested. - 30 January 2013 at 12:04 am Hello Mr. Arshuram, I do have a PPP program for India and Hongkong with min of 2 Million USD abroad and 10 Million USD in India min investment. No fake talks, just completed one file last month. Do mail me if you are interested. - 30 January 2013 at 12:09 am We are in uk. direct with the platform, no Jzv. no comicion For more information pls drop me one mail, fgozilasgmail I HAVE 2 M USD abroad plz mail me proced - 9 February 2013 at 10:08 am Private Placement is real. Periode. During my work I love the question, quotif it is real why doesn039t everyone do itquot LMAO, well, where do I begin For starters it is buy invite only. What does invite truly mean It means first that you have satisfied some part of the pecking order in the fact that you are a quality client. Do you understand the ramifications if a Trader, Banking Officer or Licensed Platform brings bullshit to a domestic or international economic forum Yea, it ain039t good and you only get one chance. Next, it039s 100M minimum period. Why you ask Can you buy a Rolls Royce on a Honda salary NO Will Rolls Royce combine 10 Honda buyers and allow them to purchase a Phantom and take turns driving it NO Brokers are Internet, who killed the business first The internet8230 Brokers have been around since Jesus, literally. Heck, you could even say Jesus brokered souls for GOD. Fact is 90 of the real deals close because Brokers who know and respect their role and craft are needed to introduce John Doe in Zurich to Jane Doe in New York. I039ll work with a Daisy chain but a Football team WILL NOT speak to my principle and you WILL be sub fee039d. No Principle wants to see 100 names on a contract with his personal banking coordinates. If a principle wants to circumvent you they will. Focus on real world relationships. If a Principle see039s you as an asset he will always treat you fair. Brokers, deal with your counterparts and get out the way, spend less time online and more time at the coffee shop or golf course. Stay off of LinkedIn. Delusions of Grandeur Guys, yes one deal will retire you, I stay in it for the thrill. It039s not the industry that039s BS, it039s the dollar Joes that Con and never intend to even attempt to do real business. I don039t mean to condescend as I am truly blessed by GOD039s Grace in how I got in. Clients remember this, you should never be charged upfront fee039s and if your an A rated client it will never take longer than 10 banking days to engage if you d your part. To quotBrokersquot learn the craft, build a book of business and always remember .05 OF A WHOLE LOT IS A WHOLE LOT 0 OF NOTHING IS NOTHING. THAT POST WAS ON THE HOUSE, THE NEXT ONE REQUIRES A RETAINER, LOL JK GOOD LUCK AND BLESSINGS PEOPLE8230 - 2 March 2013 at 3:40 am Everyone following these scams, wake up. There is no such thing. I have followed these scams for over 5 decades, lost tens of millions, and never saw anything real but scams. Do not fall for any of these scams, or you will regret and no recourse to redemption. - 3 March 2013 at 5:54 am

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